| Syllabus | Calendar | Requirements | CourseQuest |

coursequest logoCourseQuest Learning Guide:
Readings and Assignments

The Learning Guide leads you through the course readings, Connection assignments, and project requirements.

A Connection activity is a short assignment related to your understandings of the readings. Although you have choices related to each assignment, you should be able to address all of the options. Your Connections assignments and responses are posted in Nicenet. For more information about how to address the readings, Connections, and project, review the Requirements page.

Move through the readings, assignments, and project below as you move through the semester. Use the Course Calendar to check due dates.

Getting Started

Follow the directions in the Requirements to enter the Nicenet discussion area.

Complete the Introduce Yourself assignment.

You may want to get to know the instructor a little better. Check out her personal information at http://eduscapes.com/lamb

video clipIf you have high speed Internet access, use the following videos to get to know the instructor. (These are Quicktime videos. Download the player for Mac or Windows):
Annette Lamb's Professional Introduction - Learn a little about Dr. Lamb, the professional.
Annette Lamb's Real Introduction - Learn a little about Annette, the person
Just for Fun - Behind the Scenes: Lamb's Course Videos, Cheesy Blooper, Larry Blooper, and Are You Viewing? Blooper


Course Readings and Connections

differentiate logoGo to Connection 1: Meaningfulness
Read the information, explore the links, complete the following activity. Post your assignment in Oncourse. Then, react to the posting of a classmate.

Choose an existing WebQuest and expand or enhance it in some way. You might create a list of easier or more challenging website links in Word, build a PowerPoint introduction, or a slide show that poses a problem or shows a few photos. It does NOT need to be much... just a few websites or a couple slides will do. Think of something that will make the project more meaningful for students or address a particular student need.

Provide the URL of the original. Discuss your enhancement idea. Attach your short Word or PowerPoint document (if applicable)

differentiate logoGo to Connection 2: Currency
Read the information, explore the links, complete the following activity. Post your assignment in Oncourse. Then, react to the posting of a classmate.

Design an activity to uses a specific section or articles from an online news source. Consider choices at different reading levels. Or, focus on visuals.

Create an activity title, overview, URL, and list of activities or ideas.

differentiate logoGo to Connection 3: Practice
Read the information, explore the links, complete the following activity. Post your assignment in Oncourse. Then, react to the posting of a classmate.

Select one of the following two options:

Option 1: Create a list of interactive activities students could use to practice or review specific skills for a particular grade level or content area.

List the topic, standards (or topics), and URL.

Option 2: Why use boring worksheets when you can find things that students will love to read? Use the following resources to check reading comprehension. Or, ask students to summarize or critique.

Design a Word document that uses a high-interest content website. Include a title, URL, and list of questions or problem to solve.

differentiate logoGo to Connection 4: Reading Level
Read the information, explore the links, complete the following activity. Post your assignment in Oncourse. Then, react to the posting of a classmate.

Create an activity and provide online readings at three different reading levels. Or, identify resources at different "thinking levels" or with different intelligences such as audio, video, graphics.

Provide the topic, URLs for the reading, and an activity idea.

differentiate logoGo to Connection 5: Authenticity
Read the information, explore the links, complete the following activity. Post your assignment in Oncourse. Then, react to the posting of a classmate.

Locate a photograph, document, or piece of data that would bring a classroom topic to life. Design a short activity around this information.

Provide the topic, URL(s), and an activity idea.

differentiate logoGo to Connection 6: Active Participation
Read the information, explore the links, complete the following activity. Post your assignment in Oncourse. Then, react to the posting of a classmate.

Try an online tool. Consider ways to get students excited about learning through the use of online and off-line tools such as Inspiration, Timeliner, KidPix, and PowerPoint.

Describe the tool or interactive activity. Discuss what skills students would need to learn the tool. Provide an example.

differentiate logoGo to Connection 7: Experiences
Read the information, explore the links, complete the following activity. Post your assignment in Oncourse. Then, react to the posting of a classmate.

Locate a virtual field trip. Where in a unit would you use this resources? To motivate at the beginning of a unit or review at the end? Brainstorm ways that you could create a virtual field trip with your class. How would this help you differentiate in your classroom?

Provide the website name, URL, and your ideas. Discuss why this activity could meet the needs of a particular "hard to reach" group of students.

differentiate logoGo to Connection 8: Motivation
Read the information, explore the links, complete the following activity. Post your assignment in Oncourse. Then, react to the posting of a classmate.

Develop an ecard activity that makes use of an ecard.

Provide the website name, URL, and ecard idea.

differentiate logoGo to Connection 9: Realism
Read the information, explore the links, complete the following activity. Post your assignment in Oncourse. Then, react to the posting of a classmate.

Go to KidsLearn and explore their online projects. Plan to participate in this project. Or locate a class anywhere in the world and write an email to the class.
Or locate a class anywhere in the world and write an email to the class. Or, create a nicenet forum and ask your students to participate in a discussion. Describe your experience.

differentiate logoGo to Connection 10: Challenge
Read the information, explore the links, complete the following activity. Post your assignment in Oncourse. Then, react to the posting of a classmate.

Design an activity that involves students in critiquing books reviews or websites created by other students.

When you have completed ALL TEN of the connections, email your instructor. She will then review your connections and let you know that this phase of the online course is done.

Course Project

When you've completed your connections, it's time to work on your course project.

Following the Project Guidelines on the Requirements page.

When you're ready to submit your project, email your instructor. She will then review your project and give you your PASS!

| Syllabus | Calendar | Requirements | CourseQuest |

Created by Annette Lamb, 1/04. Updated 1/05.