| Syllabus | Calendar | Requirements | CourseQuest |

boy on earthCourse Syllabus
Differentiation & Technology

Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis
School of Library and Information Science

Spring/Summer 2005

This page was designed for a graduate course at IUPUI. If you're in my ICE Workshop/Summer 2005 class, you've found the right place! If you've stumbled upon the course and want to learn more about it, email Dr. Annette Lamb for more information.

This three hour, pass/no pass graduate course focuses on differentiating teaching and learning through the use of technology.
The course contains a series of assignments that can be completed by using this website along with the Nicenet distance learning tools. Your instructor will help you along the way through discussions on the forum, email reminders and updates, along with personal email communications and chats as requested.

Read the page below including the course registration, course syllabus, course grading, course calendar.

Then, examine the Requirements page.

Finally, move step-by-step through the CourseQuest Learning Guide. Have fun!

| Syllabus | Calendar | Requirements | CourseQuest |


Course Registration

This class is an extension of the face-to-face ICE workshop offered in January 2004. You must register for the ICE conference and participate in the full-day, face-to-face workshop to enroll in the course.

Registration Information

You will be registering for this course for Summer 1, 2005.

If you have taken a course in the IUPUI system before, you simply complete the registration form.

If you haven't taken a course in the IUPUI system before, you'll must also register as a NEW STUDENT.

You can complete this form at the ICE conference or turn it in anything before May 1, 2005.

Course Payment

You will not receive a bill until late in the spring. You do not need to pay for these credits until Summer 1, 2005.

Course Credit

Regardless of when you finish the course requirements, you will not receive a grade on your transcript until the end of Summer 1, 2005.

Course Syllabus

Instructor Contact Information

Name - Annette Lamb, Ph.D.
Mail-forwarding Address - 238 Rainbow Drive #13839 Livingston TX 77399-2038
Dr. Lamb will be moving throughout the semester. Email her for her latest address if you’d like to send something direct.

Email - alamb@eduscapes.com or anlamb@iupui.edu
Lamb's Voice Mail & Vision to Action Voice Mail and Fax - 620 343 7989

Online Course Materials

Course Assumptions

The following entry skills are required for this course:

  • demonstrate basic computer skills related to keyboarding, operating system, and disk management
  • identify, select, access, and evaluate information found on the Internet
  • use Nicenet for forums and information sharing

This course makes the assumption that you are able to work independently. There are no required face-to-face meetings other than the ICE workshop. There are no required synchronous online meetings. However, feel free to email or arrange a chat with your instructor any time!

Course Description

Your students are interested, motivated, and ready to learn. You've got computers, resources, and Internet access. You've even got a lesson that addresses your exact grade level standards. What's missing? Nothing, unless your class is "normal".

In a typical class, each child is unique. Some students won't be able to read the materials you've selected, a few won't find the activities challenging, and others will have difficulty with the concepts because they lack the life experiences of others. Use technology to help you differentiate the learning environment. This session explores ways to use the Internet to locate quality materials to address individual differences. In addition, ten tips are provided for connecting students to the learning environment through technology-rich resources.

Students will participate in online threaded discussions and develop a technology-rich learning projects. Choices allow graduate students with varied backgrounds and interests to select activities that meet their professional needs.

Course Goals

Students will be able to:

  • identify individual differences in children and young adults
  • identify, evaluate, select, use, adapt, and create resource projects, thematic units, WebQuests, PowerQuests, and other technology-rich, inquiry-based learning environments.
  • develop effective, efficient, and appealing technology-rich learning environments that differentiate teaching and learning to meet individual differences.
  • apply common technology tools including Word, PowerPoint, and Inspiration (Kidspiration) to technology-rich learning environments.

The instructor will:

  • Encourage critical and creative thinking related to the use of technology for learning in libraries and classrooms.
  • Convey examples of theory, techniques, and models relevant to technology-rich learning.
  • Judge student performance fairly in accordance with the IUPUI grading policy and the expectations for the assignments outlined in this syllabus.
  • In the long term, increase the likelihood that particpants will support, promote, and facilitate effective uses of technology in teaching and learning.

Course Requirements

For a complete description of the requirements, go to the Course Requirements page.

Course Grading

This course is being offered for Pass/No Pass credit. No incomplete grades will be given. All course requirements must be satisfactory in order to pass the course.

Use the following checklist to be certain that you've completed the course requirements. Email Dr. Lamb when you've completed everything and she'll verify your postings and submit a PASS grade.


Students needing accommodations because of disability must register with Adaptive Educational Services and complete the appropriate form before accommodations will be given.  The AES office is located in Cavanaugh Hall 001E, 425 University Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46202-5140 and may be reached by phone 317/274-3241 or 317/278-2050 TTD/TTY; by fax 317/274-2051; or by email aes@iupui.edu   

For more information go to http://www.life.iupui.edu/Who/Adaptive/


Course Calendar

Some people prefer to complete the course right away. Others may decide to use spring or summer break to complete the activities. In other words, if you want to do everything in early June, that's fine. It's up to you. I just need to have ALL GRADES turned in by the end of Summer Session I.

Recommended Schedule

January 27 - Face-to-face workshop at ICE

February 15 - Enter Nicenet materials and post introduction in Introduce Yourself.

March 15 - Recommended completion of first Five Connection discussions.

April 15 - Recommended completion of last Five Connection discussions.

May 15 - Recommended completion of Project.

June 15 - Last day to turn in Projects.


| Syllabus | Calendar | Requirements | CourseQuest |

Created by Annette Lamb, 1/05.