Producing Newsletters
The key to consistency is the use of a template, styles, and other layout tools. In other words all the newsletters should have common features such as logos, type styles, and key articles. Use the following resources on this page:
HardwareMake use of all the technology available in your schools. Consider each of the following tools and how it might be used to make your newsletter more effective. ComputerComputers serve varied functions. Sometimes a computer lab works well while in other cases a few classroom computers will meet your needs. Consider laptop computers for small group work. Also, look for large monitors for page layout. Electronic KeyboardUnless you have a laptop for every student, technology access is likely to be a problem. Consider a set of Alphasmarts or other electronic keyboards. Use Alphasmarts to record text that can later go into the newsletter. You can use a flash drive to easier store or move documents. You can also use wireless technology to transfer data on some systems. Digital CameraThink about how photos can easily be shared. For example, you might create a shared network space. Here are some tips:
ScannerThink about things that might be scanned such as artwork created with pencil, markers, or crayon. Consider things like historic documents, concert ticket, and collage. These can draw interest to your newsletter. Here are some tips:
PrinterConsider your needs in terms of color and black/white output. If you can't reproduce the newsletter in color, consider using a colored paper. However stick to light colored paper with dark printing. Resources and ToolsYou don't need the latest software to develop effective communications. Consider the following tools. ArtworkBe careful not to overuse pre-produced artwork. Student art and photographs are much more personal. However also think about a standard set of clipart that reflects your grade level or thematic interest. If you have a budget, consider a subscription to Line Art
Photo SourcesUse the following resources for starting points:
General Sources
Purchase Clip Art CD Collections
Page Layout SoftwareMicrosoft Publisher, Adobe Pagemaker, and Quark are desktop publishing software packages designed for page layout. They are often used along with a word processing and graphics program. Learn more at the following websites:
Word Processing SoftwareMany people use word processing programs such as Microsoft Word or Appleworks for creating newsletters. Most word processors contain options for columns and other page layout features. TemplatesRather than opening a software package and starting from scratch, look for templates to get you started. Many programs such as Word and Publisher contain Wizards to help create newsletters. However sometimes these are inflexible, so consider building your own. Newsletters have some common elements. Once you've created one newsletter, it's easy to make others. Just leave the main elements in your layout and empty out the text. Then, save a copy of this "empty" version as a template for future projects. These main elements include: Masthead (Banner) - This is the header across the top of the page that includes a catchy title, class logo, issue number and date, school information Copy (Articles) - Newsletters often have columns (reoccurring themes) and feature articles. The lead article generally goes in the upper left column Table of Contents - Multiple page newsletters often have a special column for a table of contents, credits, and contact information. This is often a smaller column on the left or right that contains an overview of the contents. This is not necessary for short newsletters Contact Information - Contact information may be in a special column or placed at the bottom of the page or on the last page of the newsletter. Explore the following templates for ideas.
Design TipsAs you design your newsletter, consider your audience. What's the purpose of your project? Will your readers be reading or skimming? Remember three key ideas:
Layout and DesignExplore the following layout and design tips.
GraphicsExplore the following graphics tips.
ContentExplore the following content tips.
DistributionHow will the newsletter be shared? Will it be sent home with children or mailed to home? Some newsletters are distributed in local stores or sold to generate revenue. What format will be used to store and distribute your newsletter? File FormatWhat's the original format for the newsletter? For example, you might produce the newsletter in Word, Publisher, Pagemaker, or Quark. However you might share on the web in HTML or PDF. In most software you have choices for different file formats when you save. You may also be able to choose EXPORT from the FILE MENU to see other options. If you have Adobe Acrobat, you have many choices for building PDF files. ColorWill your newsletter be available in black/white, color, or both? For example, it may be reproduced in black and white for the paper version. However the PDF version may be available online in color. Color doesn't always reproduce well in black and white on paper, so consider the final printing from the start. Document StorageWill your project be stored on a network server, Zip disk, CD, or web server? Will users be able to access your newsletter many ways. For example, you might send it home on paper and also have it available on the Internet as a PDF file. Project Evaluation and RevisionOne of the most important aspects of newsletter development is evaluation. You should plan for both technical and content evaluations. Use the evaluation criteria and rubrics discussed on previous pages
Evidence of SuccessIncreasingly, administrators are asked to provide evidence of their work with parents and community. Look for ways that you can collect information to make your newsletter more effective. After developing a few newsletters, consider conducting a survey to determine whether your newsletter is being used. Consider some of the following questions: