Puzzles, Patterns, and Problems: Deep Thinking through Inquiry and Imagination
Building Expertise
Based on our knowledge of the differences between novices and experts, how do we help student information scientists develop the necessary repertoire of knowledge and range of skills and strategies? Consider some of the following key areas:
- Core Concepts and Experiences - learners need a foundation of knowledge, background information, examples, resources, and varied experiences related to their topic organized around the big ideas
- Task Analysis - learners must develop an understanding of the problem or key questions and be able to prioritize and focus on the key issues
- Pattern Recognition - learners must be able to structure information in meaningful ways and see the how ideas are connected
- Metacognition - learners must be aware of their thinking and flexible enough to adapt to changing needs
- Self-regulation - learners must be able to control their thinking and actions
Learn more at Expert vs Novice Information Scientists.
Thinking Across the Curriculum: A Dozen Skills
1 - Identify main idea
- Pick out the important events in fiction and nonfiction.
- Examine book covers. Discuss why a particular image might be used. Ask students to select a photograph that represents the main idea in a scientific discovery or historical event. Explain why you think it represents the main idea and why it should be used on the cover of a book on this topic.
- Every Picture Tells a Story
2- Identify relationships and make connections
- Connect to other books by the same author, connect content areas, content to other authors.
- Compare characters from different books
- Use Inspiration to show connections
- Use literature circles to address different reading levels
- Themes and Literature Circles from eduscapes.com
- Inspiration - comparison chart
3 - Sequence events
- Order the events in fiction and nonfiction using visuals, timelines, graphic organizers, and lists. Retell a story.
- Write a new story with the same plot and different characters or setting. For example, change the time period.
- Timeliner
- ReadWriteThink Timeline
- OurStory
4 - Identify details
- Look for details by examining events in stories, dialog between characters, illustrations, and word clues.
- Look for details in three different visuals (i.e., paintings, photographs, portraits) of the same person, place, thing, or event. Compare the details.
- Listen for details in audio recordings. Check out the NPR podcast directory.
5 - Distinguish fact from opinion
- Develop simple reviews and resources - Fact and Option for Grade 2
6 - Identify cause and effect
- Use templates in Kidspiration to develop basic chain of events.
7 - Compare and contrast viewpoints
- Compare interpretations of key events through different eyes
- How did the Civil War impact us in Savannah, GA?
- What did people talk about during the Civil War?
- What were the perspectives of specific people? Why did they have these views?
- What information do newspaper editorials and other primary resources provide about different perspectives?
- Dinner Party - Savannah
8 - Defend a position
- Ask students to defend the resources they select including websites, videos, books, and other information resources. Ask them to write about why they selected some resources and rejected others.
- Write It Essay from Scholastic: Persuasive Essay
9 - Identify the problem and solution
- Describe, act out, or diagram the problem faced by the character, famous person, scientist, historian, etc..
- Describe, act out, or diagram the solution chosen, then describe alternative solutions, other endings, or other opportunities that could have been considered.
- Use the video recorder on your still video camera to recorder short, alternative solutions to a problem. For example, short different examples of static electricity.
10 - Make predictions
- Predict the story line based on the title, cover, pictures, and description of a book.
- Use a blog to predict what will happen in the next chapter of the book. Ask one student to synthesize the postings and compare them with the actual chapter.
- Looking for ideas? Go to Scholastic and do a search for "predict".
- Use the book The Graph Contest by Loreen Leedy and Create a Graph website.
11 - Make inferences
- Look and listen for clues in fiction and nonfiction.
- Pause in the middle of an activity and ask students to look for clues and make conclusions.
- American Girl Literature Circle Blog from Green Acres Media Center - Questioning
12 - Draw conclusions
- Describe how a story will end.
- Use engaging reading materials such as Marvel Comics.
Learn more at Virtual Inquiry. Also, explore Virtual Inquiry: Snapshots and Virtual Inquiry: Case Studies.
Designing Authentic Learning Environments
Go to Get FIT: Information, Technology and Authenticity.
Go to GET FIT: Information, Technology and Lifestyle.