flag manThe Technology Race in Middle & High School:
Who Wins?
Explores strategies for creating practical middle and high school activities that combine the power of technology with active learning and thinking to address standards and meet individual needs.

Use these links to access the activities on this page:

Winning the Race

Who Wins the Race?
The teachers and students who make the most efficient use of ALL resources:

Example: Nature, Persuasion Map, Organisms Lesson
Example: Ease History

Using one of the websites above, identify a specific, content-rich web page.
Create an activity that combines reading + writing + content + thinking to address a specific standard.
Copy the screen - Go to the desired website. Press ALT-PRINTSCREEN to copy the website screen. Open Word. Right-click on the screen and select Paste.
Crop the screen - Select the Crop tool in Word. Crop the screen shot.
Copy the website address - Go to the desired website. Select the website address. Right-click and choose Copy.
Make a hyperlink - Right-click the visual in Word. Select hyperlink and paste the website address.

Focus on Personal and Professional Connections


The Learning Experience

Turtle Experience 1
How can you use technology to provide data for comparisons?

go to teacher tapExplore Primary Resources and Real-World Data from Teacher Tap.
USGS: EarthQuakes
PBS Kids Zoom: BackPack
American Memories
Create a Graph

- Autobiography, Personal Accounts, & Travel Narratives
- Data and Statistics
- Diaries and Journals
- Artifacts
- Virtual Digital Collections
The Diary of Louise Hancock
The American Experience: Influenza 1918

Explore online study and essay services:

Turtle Experience 2
How can you use technology to provide alternative perspectives?

42explore logo Explore 42explore Projects - topic or subject index.
PBS StoreWars.
MatissePicasso; Lakeland Inspiration example

Middle School
Scholastic News
Yahooligans News
BBC Newsround
CNN Student News

High School
Teacher Tap: News

Turtle Experience 3
How can you use technology to provide another sense?

tiny multimedia seeds logoExplore Multimedia Seeds including Radio & Audio Webcasts, Remote Audio, Remote Music, Video Clips, Streaming Video, Remote TV.
National Geographic: Creature Feature, How Stuff Works Animations, Do You Speak American?, NPR, Political Cartoons, Debate Comics

Visual Starters
American Memory Gallery
CalPhotos - plant, animals, fossils, people, landscapes
NOAA Photo Library - Oceans and Atmosphere
Picture History
TerraServer - satellite photos
USDA Historical Photos

Teacher Tap: Visual Resources

Audio Starters

Turtle Experience 4
How can you use technology to provide more reading resources?

go to teacher tapExplore Electronic Books and Online Reading from Teacher Tap.
Literature Ladders
Epidemics: An American Plague: the True and Terrifying Story of the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793, by Jim Murphy; Dr. Jenner and the Speckled Monster: The Search for the Smallpox Vaccine, by Albert Marrin; The Influenza Pandemic of 1918, by Virginia Aronson; Life During the Black Death, by John M. Dunn; The Great Influenza, by John Barry

Reading Activity
Read the short story called The Last Spin by Evan Hunter.
Connect the short story to the Habits of Mind questions above.
Explore the related WebQuest.

Turtle Experience 5
How can you use technology to provide connections with parents?

go to teacher tapExplore Educational Portals and Starting Points from Teacher Tap.
Parent Connections: Life of Pi

Turtle Experience 6
How can you use technology to promote reading?

go to teacher tapExplore Magnet Poetry, Stories, & Mad Libs: Writing Fun On The Web from Teacher Tap.

Read Write Think Student Tools

Turtle Experience 7
How can you use technology to provide global discussions?

go to teacher tapExplore Discussion Tools & Technology-Rich Learning from Teacher Tap.
Explore Book Awards from Teacher Tap.
Avi - Nothing but the Truth
Escrapbooking: Blogging


Turtle Experience 8
How can you use technology to provide interesting starting points?

go to teacher tapExplore Interactive Websites, Games, and Activities from Teacher Tap.
Shakespeare: Subject to Change
Virtual Ecosphere
Learner.org Exhibits
ThinkPort Field Trips
Teacher Tap: Interactive Websites

Turtle Experience 9
How can you use technology to provide quick resources?

42explore logo Explore 42explore Projects - topic or subject index.

electronic materials logoLibrary Portals for Children and Young Adults
Pathfinder Collections
Library Spot


Turtle Experience 10
How can you use technology to facilitate critical and creative thinking?

go to teacher tapExplore Web-based Contests, Fairs, & Publishing from Teacher Tap.
Explore Online Annual Events from Teacher Tap.


Turtle Experience 11
How can you use technology to facilitate both content and information?

information inquiry logo Explore Information Inquiry for Teachers.
Explore the Ws.
Explore ThinkQuest Projects such as ThinkQuest Project

Turtle Experience 12
How can you use technology to facilitate different ways of thinking?

go to literature laddersExplore Literature-based WebQuests from Literature Ladders. 
Ellis Island Records & Angel Island

go to teacher tapExplore WebQuests from Teacher Tap.


The Tipping Point

naturescapesExplore Naturescape.

Created by Annette Lamb, 1/04. Updated 7/05.