OverviewLet's explore the following possibilities for integrating technology into the classroom:
Narrative associated with these activities, go to the High Tech Learning: Social Technologies page. |
Social TechnologyDownload Roleplay. Design your own activity. BloggingGo to ecollaborate and post a comment on one of the postings. Explore some of the following blogs.
To create your own blog follow the directions at blogger. University faculty might consider edublogs and students can make blogs at uniblogs. Learn more about blogging at High Tech Learning: Blogs. PodcastsExplore one of the following podcasts. Note that some are blog-based and others are websites. For more ideas, go to Podcasts for Educators and check their subject area links.
To create audio files for podcasts, download Audacity (free, cross platform, sound editor). Learn more about blogging at High Tech Learning: Audio Blogs. Web AggregatorVisit the web aggregator, Bloglines (eduscapes) to see how blogs, podcasts, and other web feeds can be organized. Then, go to Bloglines to make your own. You can also use this to make a blog. Social NetworksSocial networks are virtual spaces where people of all ages can make contacts, share information and ideas, and build a sense of community. Explore Library Thing. Check out Annette Lamb's LibraryThing Profile and Catalog. Explore the groups.
Participatory TechnologyExplore some of the following examples of participatory websites: |
Collaborative TechnologyOpen Wikipedia. Explore wikis:
Library and Education Wikis
Do a Google search for your discipline or a topic and the word "wiki" such as "nursing wiki". Check the Nursing wiki. Visit Kentucky Judical Elections for an example created by a Political Science course. What could you wiki? Explore student-produced wikis: To create a wiki, go to Wikispaces (free for educators with edublog; 2GB+). Learn more at High Tech Learning: Collaborative Web and Wikis. Other Collaborative Tools
Interactive TechnologyExplore examples of interactivity including Approximating Pi, Destination: Modern Art, Making Vaccines, MyPyramid, Pauly Playhouse, Room Planner, and Nobel Prize. What different types of interactivity can you identify? Explore how tools are incorporated into Flash projects. Go to Flash: Exploration. Browse through the online simulation and games. |
MashupsCombine resources together to create a "big picture" of your topic. Here are some examples: Incorporate resources from some of the following sites: Oatman Massacre
Motivating Multimedia In-Class ActivitiesPhotoStoryOpen PhotoStory. Create a simple project with pictures, text, audio, and music. Download PhotoStory 3 for Windows to download a non-cost version if you already own Windows. Download PDF directions. Audio & Visual ResourcesExplore online sources for audio and visuals. Visuals
The ChallengesProblem: Technology problems
Problem: Large-scale production
Problem: Copyright
ConclusionTraditional Classroom (1 dimensional) - lecture with paper or exam Transformed Classroom (multidimensional) - varied presentation styles with authentic assignments (blogs, wikis, SL, creation)
Developed by Annette Lamb, 11/06. |