Surfin' the Internet:
Beyond the Basics
The activities below are designed to help you explore ways to expand your Internet use.
Activity 1
Explore the WebQuest Teacher Tap.
Select a webquest and discuss how you could adapt it for your classroom.
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Activity 2
Develop a student activity the address one of the following issues.
  • Copyright - Learn what educators need to know about copyright and permissions to use information.
  • Citing Sources - Explore options for citing Internet and other resources. Learn to create bibliographies.
  • Plagiarism - Learn to detect plagiarism. Find out how to create assignments that discourage plagiarism.
Share an idea for an activity.
Activity 3
Use the Teacher Tap Builder page to explore sites for creating your own class pages, online discussions (eboards & egroups), quizes, polls, rubricmakers, and activity builders.


Use a builder to create an online project.

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Created by
Annette Lamb, 6/01