Three Creeks West:
Boulder Mountain Retreat Virtual Field Trip
Our retreat is in the foothills of Boulder Mountain at 7500 feet elevation. We have pines on our property and a little higher on the mountain are Aspen trees. The winter days can be in the 20-30s with a little snow and the summers the 70s-80s. Our property is part of Three Creeks West area where the Boulder, Birch, and Cottonwood creeks come together. The view above is to the southwest and 50,000 acres of US Forest and Boulder Mountain (11,217 feet) which is part of Aquarius Plateau. It's known as the North Slopes of the Dixie National Forest.
The Basics
Here are some cool facts about our property:
- From the highest point on the property you can see for miles.
- 97% of the land in Wayne County is BLM, National Forest, or National Park. Only 3% is privately owned.
- It's located on the foothills of the highest plateau (Aquarius) in North America.
- There's US National Forest adjacent to our property.
- Evidence of the following critters can be found on our property: rabbits, deer, elk, lizards, squirrels, bird
- It's possible for the following animals to wander by: bears, cougar, coyote
Virtual Tour
A gravel road runs through the middle of the property. The hairpin turn is tight for the motorhome.
This is the view to the northeast from the building site.
This is the view to the south from the building site.
Larry is down in the wash on the south end of the property.
We love the wash that runs down the middle of the property. It's fun to explore the wide variety of geology.
This is the view to the northest from the highest point on the property above the road.
This is a zoom in on the view (see the mountains in the distance in the photo on right edge).
This is another zoom in on the view.
This looks down on the road toward the east from the northwest corner of the property.
The hairpin turn would be on the extreme right.
The building site is near the center of this photo.
This is the view northwest driving down the gravel road off the mountain.
Click on the TV camera to play each QuickTime video.
This video was taken from the northwest corner. It pans from the northeast to the southeast.
This video is a 360 degree view taken from the building site.
This video shows the view east and south of the building site of the wash running down through the middle of the property.
This video shows the view from the southwest corner toward the southeast, northeast, and northwest. For some reason I keep saying Elm Tree... that would be actually be Pine Tree on the building site. Also, it's 40 acres, not 450 acres that is the other property to the northwest.