This section explores natural spaces including land forms, water-related forms, weather, and natural forces. It also examines the relationships of living things and the environment including biomes and habitats. This area will be expanded Fall 2002 and Spring 2003.

Each project below contains three levels of original information and photographs, activities, and other resources related to the topic.

Now Available

Volcanic Landforms- - explore volcanic land forms, the composition of lava, and types of lava and lava flows.

Coming Soon

  • Animal Homes
  • Biomes
  • Caves
  • Clouds
  • Geysers and Hot Springs
  • Mountains
  • Water and Wind Erosion
  • Fire
  • Fossils
  • Minerals
  • Rocks - igneous, sedimentary. metamorphic
  • Tidepools

42eXplore Projects

These projects contain a definition and links to resources, activities, student projects, and lessons.


Atmosphere and Natural Elements

| about the project | living things | living spaces | living together | eduscapes |

Developed by Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson, 6/02.

All photographs were taken by Annette and Larry. Students and teachers have permission to use them in classroom activities as long as the website is cited. All other rights are reserved.