Website Resources
- Postcard
- Explore the
electronic postcard sites below. Brainstorm different
types of activities you could do with the postcards.
For example, you might ask students to write a short
story about the picture, describe a scientific aspect
of the photo, answer questions, write a question to an
expert, or write a poem. Create a handout with
step-by-step instructions for using the postcard page.
Include the specific activity. Be sure the activity is
associated with a particular learning
- Enhance with
- Explore some great
clip art sites. Copy and paste some clip art into a
word processing document and write a simple web-based
- Explore
Creative Websites
- Use one of the
following websites to generate ideas for
- Art
Safari - try
art exploration activities
- Political
Cartoons -
explore political cartoons and activities
- KidsMuse
- help students learn good visual
- Kodak
Playground -
try some fun photo activities and learning
- Crayola
- try fun activities
- KinderArt
- turn a traditional art activity into a
technology-enhanced activity
- Jan
Brett - look
at the finger puppets and masks, use your own photos
or scanner to create them from other books
- 42explore:
Photography -
this site contains lots of ideas for photography
activities and links
Created by Annette
4/01. Updated 3/02.