The Octopus Odyssey:
Literature-Rich WebQuests, PowerQuests, and Inquiry-based Learning

Do you feel like an octopus trying to manage multiple classroom books or reading projects at once? You don't need eight arms to be effective. Instead, you need eight strategies for engaging your students and promoting a love of reading and inquiry. This article explores practical, technology rich projects that will engage students in reading.

Go to the Presentation Companion Page for the workshop handouts.

Workshop Links

go to teacher tapExplore Electronic Books and Online Reading from Teacher Tap.

42explore logo Explore 42explore Projects.

go to literature laddersExplore Literature-based WebQuests from Literature Ladders. 

go to teacher tapExplore WebQuests from Teacher Tap.

Locating Literature-based Materials

go to literature laddersRead Search for Book Information and Lessons from Literature Ladders

go to literature laddersRead Identify Topics and Resources from Literature Ladders

Teacher Tap iconExplore Author and Illustrator Resources from Teacher Tap

go to the Newberys and the Net Explore Newberys and the Net from Literature Ladders

Go to the Caldecott Connections site Explore Caldecott Connections from Literature Ladders

Go to the Fun with Favorites section Explore Fun with Favorites from Literature Ladders

Creating Meaningful Learning Activities

go to literature laddersExplore Collaborative and Interactive Online Projects from Literature Ladders.

go to teacher tap Explore Book Review Projects from Teacher Tap.

go to literature laddersExplore Literature Circles from Literature Ladders.

Explore the following examples:


Created by Annette Lamb, 4/03. Updated 1/04.