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- PIE:
Professional Development and
- Professional
- Many of the resources discussed in
this workshop can be found elsewhere on
this website. Check out the following
- http://eduscapes.com
- Eduscapes.com
- http://eduscapes.com/tap/
- Teacher Tap Professional Development for
- http://eduscapes.com/42explore
- 42eXplore project
- What's for Dessert?
- Do you have a zillion hours of credit,
but still don't feel confident with
technology integration, standards,
- Do you know what to do, but can't find
the time?
- Do you want to skip the meal (lecture)
and go right for dessert (good
- This workshop will provide you will
something healthy, something fun,
something unique.... Internet PIE.
- Tools for Teachers
- Make connections with other teachers
- Find information about profession
- Locate innovative teaching ideas
- Identify help with technology
- Buy online
- Find cool websites!
- Get Organized
- Before you get started, get organized. A little
organizing time saves time! If you have five or ten
minutes of quiet time to do some search, make the time
count. Keep an email folder of websites people have
sent you, so they'll be ready when you have a change
to explore.
- Build a web folder or notebook
- Create bookmarks
- Develop a personal web page
- Education Resources
- There are many good places for educators to start.
You'll want to bookmark some of your favorites. As you
evaluate these sites, ask yourself: Who is the
sponsor? Are they selling or sharing? Is the site for
teachers or everyone? What purpose will it serve?
Before starting your exploration, create a list of the
units and lessons you teach during the year. What
needs to be updated? Where do you need some
excitement? Use these areas as the focus for your
- Links to Good General Education Resources
- http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/
- best place to start for quality Internet resources
for teachers and students
- http://www.education-world.com/
- super for all areas of curriculum, lesson planning,
and article
- http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr248.shtml
- http://www.education-world.com/a_tsl/archives/00-2/lesson0029.shtml
- http://www.education-world.com/a_tech/tech040.shtml
- http://www.education-world.com/a_tech/tech013.shtml
- http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/bluewebn/
- http://www.teachnet.com/
- http://www.4teachers.org/
- http://teacherpathfinder.org/
- http://www.ash.udel.edu/ash/
- http://edsitement.neh.fed.us/
- http://www.parentsoup.com/
- http://www.kkafe.net/
- http://www.ajkids.com/
- http://www.google.com/
- popular search engine
- http://www.dogpile.com/
- http://www.desertusa.com/april97/du_desiguana.html
- http://www.mos.org/sln/toe/toe.html
- http://www.mos.org/
- museum of science
- http://www.secretsoftheice.org/
- Education Journals
- Many educational journals and magazines are
available online. Look for print and ezine
- Links to educational journals online
- http://www.lib.virginia.edu/education/ejournals.htm
- http://www.cudenver.edu/~mryder/itc_data/ejournals.html
- http://ericir.syr.edu/Eric/index.html
- http://www.ipl.org/reading/serials/
- http://www.ldonline.org/
- http://www.catalyst-chicago.org/
- http://www.bookwire.com/ljdigital/
- http://www.edweek.org/
- http://www.sedl.org/scimath/compass/cchp.html
- http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/pathwayg.htm
- http://eho.org
- Professional Organizations
- You probably can't afford to join every national
or state organization in your field, but you can use
the online resources to keep in touch. You can find,
National Associations, General Education Associations,
Subject Area Organizations, and Grade Level
- Links to Organizations
- http://www.edweek.org/context/orgs/
- http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Office/Teacher/Classroom_Related/Educational_Associations.html
- http://www.iste.org/
- http://www.cbcbooks.org
- http://www.nea.org/
- http://www.naeyc.org/
- http://www.nsta.org/
- http://www.reading.org/
- http://www.readingonline.org
- http://www.nctm.org
- http://www.ncss.org/
- Education Agencies
- Many agencies are available on the Internet
including local, state/province, regional, national,
and international.
- Links to agencies
- http://www.ed.gov
- US Dept of Ed
- http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/
- Georgia
- http://www.uen.org/
- Utah
- http://goldmine.cde.ca.gov/
- California
- http://www.execpc.com/~dboals/boals.html
- social studies
- http://members.aol.com/donnandlee/SiteIndex.html
- history
- http://www.mrdowling.com/
- history
- http://www.sisweb.com/math/tables.htm
- math
- http://douglass.speech.nwu.edu/
- speech
- http://stats.bls.gov/ocohome.htm
- http://www.jsd.k12.ak.us/hbv/classrooms/Fontanella/fontanejKworld.html
- http://www.myschoolonline.com/site/0,1876,41421-144279-44-22101,00.html
- http://www.geocities.com/the_k_crew/
- http://www.geocities.com/missjkay/
- Professional Connections
- A great way to learn is through online
connections. You can use email, mailing lists, forums,
chat, or video conferencing as a means of
- Links to connections
- http://lightspan.com/teacher/pages/communication/default.asp?_prod=LS&_nav=t2_comm
- start here!
- http://www.ibiblio.org/edweb/lists.html
- http://home.talkcity.com/LibraryDr/edupeople/
- http://www.liszt.com
- http://www.proteacher.com/
- best for elementary/middle grade teachers
- http://middleweb.com/
- http://www.vrd.org/locator/subject.html
- experts
- Big Ideas
- Do you have a question about an educational issue,
standards, or awards? Check out the following
Links to "big idea resources"
- http://www.edweek.org/context/topics/issues.htm
- issues articles (great for education courses)
- http://PutnamValleySchools.org/Standards.html
- standards starter
- http://www.ash.udel.edu/ash/teacher/standards.html
- http://www.mcrel.org/compendium/browse.asp
- http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Office/Teacher/Standards/Standards.html
- http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/professional_resources/artsedge.html
- http://standards.nctm.org/
- http://stills.nap.edu/html/nses/
- http://www.project2061.org/tools/benchol/bolframe.html
- http://www.socialstudies.org/standards/
- http://eduscapes.com/ladders/ladders.html
- Grants
- If you don't write a grant, you won't get a grant!
Learn how to find and write grants.
- Links to grant sites
- http://www.lib.virginia.edu/education/fund.htm
- http://www.mcrel.org/resources/technology/funding.asp
- http://www.ed.gov/free/
- http://www.ed.gov/teachtech/
- http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/grants/
- http://mav.net/phil/funding.shtml
- http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/Memorial/grantshp.htm
- http://www.ed.gov/funding.html
- http://fdncenter.org/
- http://www.nsf.gov/home/grants.htm
- http://discoveryschool.com/schrockguide/business/grants.html
- good place to start
- http://www.schoolgrants.org/welcome.htm
- http://fdncenter.org/onlib/shortcourse/prop1.html
- http://www.ascd.org/readingroom/books/orlich96book.html
- http://eschoolnews.com/
- get on their mailing list
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Created by Annette
Lamb, 01/01.