Teacher Tap

school bus with kidsWebQuest Co-Production

Why build a WebQuest in isolation when you can collaborate with others?

You don't have to do a project on your own. Consider co-producing a project with another teacher, community members, or students!


Join the Online Community

There are many ways to make connections with others online. Use the following resources to locate ways to share your ideas and discuss topics of interest.

WebQuest Community

WebQuest Portal Forums

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Develop a Team

Consider non-traditional types of collaboration as you build your WebQuest and also as part of your search for authentic activities for students. Consider some of the following team configurations

Teacher + Teacher. Work with another teacher in your department or at your grade level. Also consider cross curriculum and cross grade level collaborations. Examine your standards and looks for connections that will benefit all students.

Teacher + Local Community Team. Connect with a local business, museum, or the Chamber of Commerce. Develop a WebQuest with a local historical museum or as part of a nature park project. For example, the Nonprofits Prophets project teamed students with areas nonprofit organizations to build websites.

Teacher + Student Team. Ask students to build a WebQuest with you. This might be for a future class or a group at a different grade level.

Student + Student Team. Connect students in different classes or different schools.

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Making It Work

Help young people see the "big picture" of the WebQuest. Use a discussion, demonstration, or other springboard to hook the young people. Be sure they have the background information they'll need to be successful. Provide print or electronic guide sheets (schedule, checklist, procedures) and directions to keep young people on track.

Create a project headquarters in your room as well as a virtual presence for the WebQuest. For instance you might set aside a bulletin board, notebook, or display area. This will bring the class together. Consider the technology needs. How will you manage access computers and other technology? Also think about role playing, collaborative teams, or other cooperative learning assignments that will need to be organized. Be sure groups are aware of individual and group goals and roles. Consider opportunities for rotating or jigsaws.

Can you make your project a more rich learning experience? Consider each of the following recommendations.

Eight Strategies

Most Important - Keep It Simple!


1 - The Power of Paper


2 - The Power of Pictures


3 - The Power of Interaction

4 - The Power of Differentiation

5 - The Power of Learner-Centered


6 - The Power Of Controversy


7 - The Power of Transformations

8 - The Power of Meaningfulness

Find the Right Fit - Explore, Adapt, Create


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