Information Fluency and the Literacies
A primary mission of schools and particularly school library media programs is to help learners become independent, productive thinkers. According to Information Power, "the focus of school library media programs has moved from resources to students to creating a community of lifelong learners" (p.v)
"The library media program combines effective learning and teaching strategies and activities with information access skills" (Information Power, 1998, p.1).
Examine the visual on the right. Information fluency requires critical and creative thinking. It always connects content, technology, and information literacy. In addition, you'll find that other literacies such as critical literacy, media literacy, and visual literacy as also part of the mix.
Read Teaching Students to Think in the Digital Environment: Digital Literacy and Digital Inquiry by Barbara Stripling in School Library Monthly (April 2010). IUPUI login required. Click the PDF Full Text option and find pages 16-19.
Skim Towards a Transformative Pedagogy for School Libraries (PDF) by Marlene Asselin & Ray Doiron in School Libraries Worldwide (January 2008), Volume 14, Number 2.