Technology Literacy
Some people consider technology and digital literacy to be a subset of information and visual literacy. However, others consider the digital format unique.
Paul Gilster, author of Digital Literacy, defines digital literacy as the ability to understand, evaluate and integrate information in multiple formats via computer and the Internet.
Technology Skills
Educators have developed an evolving list of computer and technology skills. Most experts agree that it's important that students learn generic skills that can be transferred as software and hardware changes.
Read the online article Learning and Teaching Information Technology Computer Skills in Context by Michael B. Eisenberg and Doug Johnson (EDO-IR-2002-04, September 2002). The authors do a great job discussing the importance of teaching technology skills along with information skills. The technology coordinators and library media specialists in a school district often have "turf wars" over resources and responsibilities. How would you explain the relationship between information and technology literacy? Would you divide responsibilities or collaborate? Why? Be realistic, but also optimistic.
Lamb's Latitudes
The turf wars began with the introduction of the Apple computer back in the late 70s. Where would the computer be housed? Unfortunately, many librarians did not respond with enthusiasm beginning decades of debate about the role of technology in the library.
As a young media specialist, I saw the computer as an exciting new way to draw teachers and children into the library. I began offering classes in word processing, database, and LOGO. I helped teachers make Print Shop banners and learn to use Lemonade Stand. My time for shelving books suffered, but my media center thrived. I began using the computer to develop visually-rich learning materials and even wrote my first grants. Teachers began viewing the library media center as THE place for learning. While other librarians complained about their dwindling book budgets, I focused on the central role of the library as the hub of the school and got increasing support from the parent organization for books and computers.
Learn More
Fulton, Kathleen (1997). Learning in the Digital Age: Insights into the Issues: The Skills Students Need for Technological Fluency (PDF document). Milken Family Foundation.
University Laboratory High School Computer Literacy. A school technology literacy program.