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Assessment is the process of gathering, measuring, analyzing, and reporting data on a students' learning. It helps teachers determine how much children learned and how well they learned it.

Assessment can also be used to determine the effectiveness of the instruction. Interacting with students about their performance can become an integral part of the learning process.

In contrast, evaluation involves judging the quality of student work or instruction. For example, it may include a final score or grade.

Formative evaluation is used while materials are being developed to assist in revision and improvement.

Summative evaluation is used to evaluate instruction that has concluded.

Student Performance Assessment

Student performance assessment is a vital component of a well-rounded educational program. According to Information Power (1998, p. 173), "assessment differs from evaluation, with a literal meaning of placing value; evaluation evokes a quantitative or judgmental quality." Performance assessments often encompass both the process and the product of a learning activity and are often done with the student rather than to the student.

eye means readReadHow Should We Measure Student Learning? The Many Forms of Assessment from Edutopia.


An important element of assessment is student's ability to assess their own work during the inquiry process.

eye means readSkim Creating Personal Learning through Self-Assessment by Jean Donham in Teacher Librarian (February 2010, Volume 37, Issue 3, p. 14-21). (IUPUI password required for access)

Assessment Tools and Strategies

There are dozens of different assessment tools that can be adapted to fit the needs of your students. These include anecdotal reports, checklists, conferencing, conversations, journals, peer assessment, portfolios, progress reports, quiz, rubrics, self assessment, scored discussion, and test.

try itComplete Assessment, Evaluation, and Curriculum Redesign the free, online workshop from Educational Broadcast Corporation.

try itExplore the Assessment Home from NW Regional Educational Laboratory.

try itGo to Teacher Tap: Student Project Assessment. Explore the assessment tools and resources.

video clipView Authentic Learning and Assessments (2:48).

In this video interview, Daniel Callison discusses authentic learning and authentic assessments including portfolios and measurements with emphasis on process rather than product.

Use of this video clip complies with the TEACH act and US copyright law. You should be a registered student to view the video.

video clipView Assessment (8:33).

In this video, Bernajean Porter discusses assessment, reasons for assessment, what is being measured, information shift and change, and lifelong learning. She also highlights three areas of assessment: (1) traditional, (2) performance-based, and (3) portfolios, benchmarked to national standards – Excerpt from “Integrating Technology in the Curriculum”, Canter & Associates

video clipGo to Learning Science through Inquiry (Windows Media Player).
Choose the Assessing Inquiry workshop video.

This video shows scientific inquiry assessment with real teachers and students in real classrooms.

(You will need to register for this FREE website from Anneberg/CPB.)

OPTIONAL: Read Appendix E: Student Performance Assessment in Information Power (1998, p. 173-182) to learn more about the process of collecting, analyzing, and reporting student performance data.

OPTIONAL: Read Chapter 8: Assessment for Learning by Sharon Coatney in Curriculum Connections through the Library edited by Barbara K. Stripling & Sandra Hughes-Hassell.

eye means readRead Authentic Assessment by Daniel Callison. Originally published School Library Media Activities Monthly 14, no. 5 (January 1998).

Assessment and Information Literacy

TRAILS (Tool for Real-Time Assessment of Information Literacy Skills) is "a knowledge assessment with multiple-choice questions targeting a variety of information literacy skills based on sixth and ninth grade standards."


Key Words

Learn More

Comprehensive Assessment: How Should We Measure Student Learning? from Edutopia

Johnson, Denise. Web Watch: Assessment Resources. Reading Online.

McKenzie, Jamie (1996). A Measure of Student Success: Assessing Information Problem-Solving Skills. FNO.

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