Scaffolding for Learning
Scaffolding is the process of organizing an event to facilitate student access in a learning experience. Students work within their ability and are given "scaffolds" to help them complete complex tasks such as limited choices, specific directions, and demonstrations. These scaffolds reduce frustration and increase success. They also allow students to work more independently to solve problems and complete task. Scaffolding is particularly useful in differentiating instruction to meet the needs of students with varied learning styles and needs.
Dodge (2001a) describes scaffolding as a “temporary structure used to help learners act more skilled than they really are” (p. 58). Because scaffolding is intended to be temporary, Dodge stresses the need to fade support as students gain experience and skills. Explore his ideas for reception, transformation, and production scaffolds.
Explore how scaffolding is used in distance learning. Read reception scaffolds, transformation scaffolds, and production scaffolds.
Explore the following ideas related to providing scaffolding for learning:
- Teaching and Learning Essentials
- Modeling Inquiry with Early Nonfiction
- Problem Identifiers
- Student Conferences
- Mentoring Roles
- Guides to Facilitating Information Use
Scaffolding Inquiry
As student information scientists conduct their investigations they need tools to support their work.
Read Student Inquiry and Web 2.0 by Pam Berger in School Library Monthly (January 2010). IUPUI login required. Choose PDF Full Text and read pages 14-17.
Read The Digital Dog Ate My Notes: Tools and Strategies for 21st Century Research Projects by Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson in Teacher Librarian, December 2009, Volume 37, Issue 2, p. 77-81. (IUPUI password required for access)
Read Key Word: Scaffolding in THE BLUE BOOK by Callison and Preddy, 523-526.
Key Words
Learn More
Dodge, B. (2001a). FOCUS: Five rules for writing a great WebQuest. Learning & Leading with Technology, 28(8), 6-9, 58.