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Creating STARsSTARs are Simple Technology Application Resources that can be used in a classroom without a lot of effort. Complete the activities below to learn about creating STARS for computer learning centers in your classroom. |
Activities |
Activity 1 |
Visually-rich STARs How do laptops enhance the learning experience? Go to Pics4Learning. Choose a category. Copy and paste a photograph into Microsoft Word. Copy and paste the proper citation into Microsoft Word. Using this photo as a starting point, create a student assignment. Be sure to provide students with quality directions. Use the following resources for other ideas: American Memory Gallery Teacher Tap: Visual Resources Microsoft Clipart Clipart.com - subscription services |
Activity 2 |
PowerPoint STARs Work from a template or create your own. Rearrange or delete visuals Add words and sentences Edit words and sentences Add oral narrative Hyperlink slides and websites Use speaker notes for directions and writing Templates coins PPT count PPT dinosaurs PPT farm PPT fly PPT healthy PPT ladder PPT letterpic PPT letters PPT numbers PPT occupations PPT science PPT seeds PPT story PPT storystarter PPT magnets (PPT, DOC) simple machines (PPT, DOC, DOCdone) biomes (PPT, DOC) energy (PPT, DOC, DOCdone) bluebird PPT |
Activity 3 |
Online Tools STARs Explore online tools and activities. Kids' Magnet Poetry Create a Graphic Puzzles States Scholastic Writing Teacher Tap: Magnet Poetry, Stories, & Mad Libs Read Write Think Tools Blog Generator - Fun, Goofy, and Wild Generators (not all appropriate for kids) Select an online tool. Open Word. Paste the URL into Word and create an electronic worksheet incorporating this tool into a standards-based activity. Include a sample or example in your activity. To capture the entire screen: Press the PRINT SCREEN key. The image will be placed on the clipboard. Open an application such as Microsoft Word, pull down the Edit menu and choose Paste. Or, press Ctrl-V to paste. To capture the current window on your screen: Press the ALT + PRINT SCREEN key. A screen shot your the currently selected window will be placed on the clipboard. |
Activity 4 |
Online Experiences: Events and Sharing STARs Explore online events and activities. Journey North Kids-Learn Kids-Learn Whale Projects Teacher Tap: Annual Events Teacher Tap: Online Collaborative Projects Teacher Tap: Travel Buddy Project Teacher Tap: Contests, Fairs, and Publishing Teacher Tap: Virtual Field Trips Teacher Tap: Digital and Virtual Museums Email Tools Scholastic Calendar Scholastic Read for 2005 100th Day Literature Circle Plan for an event for next year. In Word, describe the event and paste the URL. Describe the associated class activities. Identify another class that might be willing to share results or projects. |
Activity 5 |
Online Reading STARs Explore online reading opportunities: Can Do People Native Americans Learner.org Exhibits Yuckiest Site Teacher Tap: Electronic Books and Online Reading Teacher Tap: News Teacher Tap: References Scott Foresman Science Activities: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Scholastic Writing with Writers Explore the Naturescape WebQuests Choose a specific page or pages for students to read. Design a motivating task or problem to solve based on the reading material. |
Activity 6 |
STARS Design activities based on a specific software tool such as Microsoft Keys, Inspiration, Kidspiration, or Graph Club. Explore the Inspiration Overview. Go to Teacher Tap - STAR Ideas. Pick and project to develop. |
Activity 7 |
Adapt Activities Adapt an existing assignment. Examine the Adapt Activities handout. Create a "virtual version" of one of these traditional activities. For example, what would a virtual terrarium look like? (turtle.ppt) |
Activity 8 |
Create Management Materials Create materials for learning center management. Develop a plan for evaluation. Consider how you would use some of the following grade level materials:
Activity 9 |
Focus on Best Practices What are "best practices" in technology-rich classrooms? What are age-appropriate computer-enhanced activities and assessment? Working with teachers at your grade level, create criteria for evaluating age-appropriateness of computer-enhanced activities. Compare the findings with other grade levels. |
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