Teacher Tap

Teens of the 21st century have always lived in world of Internet, cell phones, and digital media. As educators, we can use this comfort with technology to build fluid environment for learning.

Workshop Materials

Use the following links to learn more:

  1. Fluid Environments for Learning (Large Group Presentation)
  2. Group 1: The Arts, Business, Family Studies, Library, and Physical Education
  3. Group 2: Humanities (English, Social Studies, World Language)
  4. Group 3: STEM (Science, Technology, Mathematics)
  5. Presentations and Instructional Development (Large Group Presentation)
  6. Collaboration and Reflection (Large Group Presentation)

Local Resources

Use the links on the left to move through this online workshop.

If you'd like to print the workshop handouts, use the following PDF files: HO1, HO2, HO3, HO4, HO5, HO6, HO7, HO8

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