
A Dozen Google Games

  1. Google- A-Day. This game from Google helps students practice search strategies.
  2. Demo Slam. You can either participate in the slam by watching the two videos and voting. Or, you can explore groups of demos on lots of Google topics by clicking on the icons in the stands. Finally, you can participate by creating your own demo to enter into the slam competition!
  3. Gwigle. This non-Google product provides a basic game to practice search strategies.
  4. Google Game: Creatures. Pick a card, learn about your creature, review Google resources, and win points!
  5. Dr. Seuss Quote Game. Randomly choose a quote and search to find out if the quote is really from Dr. Seuss.
  6. Fake Out. Check out the Google 2012 April Fool's Day site called Gmail Tap. Which do you think is the best fake site. Which would you pick for April Fool's Day? Why?
  7. Meaningful Monuments. Travel the world collecting monuments from different countries. Score points based on how much you know about each monument. Use Google images along the way.
  8. Mini Worlds, Mini Maps. Match the miniature worlds amusement park with real world locations.
  9. Mad Scientist Game.  Level up by moving from Igor the Assistant to Mad Scientist. The winner is the Mad Scientist receiving the most votes. The winning experiment will be demonstrated in class. Along the way, use Google search and Google video search.
  10. Goofy Global News. Summarize news stories and write your own stories. Can your friends tell the fact from the fake? Explore the Weekly World News and other magazine archives at Google Books.
  11. Google Doodle Game. Explore Google Doodles and make your own.
  12. The Grand Adventure. Use lots of Google tools to go on a Grand Adventure around the world.

Want to make your own game? Use some of the following gaming tools.

Want to learn more? Go to my Google Games workshop.

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