Transforming Classrooms


The Evaluation

Although this WebQuest is primarily intended to help you develop materials for your own classroom, it's also hoped that your experiences will help others.

sharing ideas

Use the following checklist to help you build the sharing aspect of your project.



The sharing component must include the following elements:

  1. Summary of project
  2. Topic
  3. Testing connection
  4. Techniques
  5. Technology
  6. Discussion of implementation
  7. Timeline of activities
  8. Evidence of technology-rich instructional materials (i.e., WebQuest, PowerQuest, Word or PowerPoint Templates and directions)
  9. Evidence of implementation (i.e., digital photos of experience, sample student work, sample student assessments)
  10. Statement confirming permission from parents for any student photos or work
  11. Reflection of experience and ideas for future projects

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Developed by Annette Lamb and Kathleen Sharp, 7/04.