Transforming Classrooms


computer to worldThe Product

Now, you’re ready to develop, implement, reflect, and share a project-based learning activity in your own classroom.

Along the way, you'll create an electronic scrapbook documenting your experience enhancing your instructional materials and trying them out with students in your classroom.

Complete each of the following five aspects of the project development section: explore, develop, implement, reflect, share.



There are many possibilities for project development. No two projects will be alike. For electronic scrapbook ideas, check out the Transforming Classrooms projects others have already completed.


Create as much of the unit materials as you wish. You aren’t responsible for turning in lesson plans, instructional units, or any other materials using a particular format, so feel free to use any planning structure that’s comfortable for you.

You will also need to develop all the materials that students will need for the project such as a WebQuest, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, Microsoft Word-based Worksheets or Student Guides, sample projects, or other materials.


Try your materials on your entire class or a group of your students. Be sure to gather evidence related to your implementation such as sample student projects, digital photos of students working on projects, and/or completed rubrics.


Reflect on your experiences with this standards-based, technology-rich, project-based learning environment in your classroom. Consider some of the following questions:

  • What were the strengths, weaknesses, and challenges with the teaching strategies, learning materials, and students?
  • What would you do differently given a similar situation?
  • What did your students think of the experience?
  • What have you learned from developing this project that would be useful to others?
  • How much time did this take? Was it worth it? Where would you suggest people to spend more or less time?
  • What are some ways you could apply your project to other grade levels or subject areas?


When you’ve completed your project, you’ll share your experiences with the world! You may use whatever format you wish. However, everything must be shared electronically in the form of an electronic scrapbook.

Although the electronic scrapbook organization and presentation is up to you, we'd like an overview page with a little background information about your project. A Microsoft Word Project Overview document has been provided to help format these ideas.

Please submit the following items for evaluation:

  • Microsoft Word Overview Document (please rename the document your user name such as alamb.doc)

    • Project Title
    • Name, Email Address, School, Grade Level
    • Subject Area(s)
    • Summary of Project
    • Topic
    • Testing Connection
    • Techniques
    • Technolog
  • Electronic Scrapbook (i.e., teaching materials, student products, insights, digital photos)

    • Discussion of Implementation
    • Timeline of activities
    • Evidence of technology-rich instructional materials (i.e., WebQuest, PowerQuest, Word or PowerPoint Templates and directions)
    • Evidence of implementation (i.e., digital photos of experience, sample student work, sample student assessments)
    • Statement confirming permission from parents for any student photos or work
    • Reflection of experience and ideas for future projects

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Developed by Annette Lamb and Kathleen Sharp, 7/04.