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Activity #2
Explore resources that will engage students and stimulate questioning. What makes these resources REAL (relevant, engaging, authentic, learning)? What are the characteristics of materials that promote questioning?
USGS Earthquake Program
Journey North - Migration Maps
Teacher Tap Virtual Adventures
Pulitzer Prize
Ladies, Contraband and Spies: Women in the Civil War
American Memory from Library of Congress
University of Virginia Digital Collections
Indiana History - Digital Collection
Go to Arkives. Select a creature and watch the movies.
What are your questions about it's role in the food chain?
Use the photos to create your own food chain.
Use books to help answer your questions.
There's also a kid's version.
Explore Ladies, Contraband and Spies: Women in the Civil War from the Library of Congress
Go to Meet the Ologists. Read about a professional and student scientists. Design your own activity.
Explore other scientists: NASA People
Find information about three people who represent your topic.
Biographies from the Multnomah Country Library
Organized, annotated links<
Based on TV program with short bios.