Textbooks provide well-organized, developmentally appropriate learning resources. These materials work great for some aspects of classroom instruction. However other resources are needed to provide up-to-date information, current events, and alternative perspectives.


News and Current Events

Explore the resources on this page. Or, examine the Article Archive or Science Explorations Library from Scholastic. Design an activity based on an article. Consider the individual differences in your class. How can focused practice, using reading tools, and integrating real-world reading assignments help particular students in your class? Rethink how your classroom computers are being used. Do all students complete the same activities? How are your computers an opportunity to differentiate to meet the needs of individual children?

Scholastic News
- Ask a Weather Watcher (Listen & Read)
Here Come the Frogs! (Listen & Read)
- Insect World Records (Listen & Read)
- Growing Up Gater (Listen & Read)
- Meet Mr. President (Listen & Read)
- Welcome Back, Bald Eagles! (Listen & Read)

Scholastic Special Reports

National Geographic Kids News
News Hour Extra
Nick News
Pop Magazine Stories
Press Pack News
Scholastic Special Reports
Smithsonian Magazine
The Why Files
Yahooligans News

For more ideas go to Teacher Tap: News.

Fiction Reading

All About Otters from Monterey Bay Aquarium
Aesop's Fables
Book-Pop Virtual Literature
Clifford Interactive Storybooks from Scholastic
It's a Big Big World Interactive Stories
Literactive: (eduscapes, eduscapes)
- Nursery Rhymes, More Nursery Rhymes, Collections
- Beginning Reader: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Orsons Farm
PBS Kids Stories
Snow Babies from National Geographic
Storycircle from CBeebies - read aloud options
Storybear's Stories from BBC - read aloud options
Tweenies Stories from BBC

Apollo 11: Walking on the Moon from Smithsonian
Audio Stories from LINKS Learning
Be the Creature from National Geographic
Book-Pop Virtual Literature
Earth and Sky Kids
Flashlight Readers from Scholastic
Literactive: (eduscapes, eduscapes) - Poetry
State Quarters

For more ideas go to Teacher Tap: Electronic Books and Online Reading.


Ever Changing Resources

Go to Wikipedia. Design an activity that helps a student "fact check" using other resources

Visit Lamb's Inquiry. Explore other examples.

Explore areas within Wikipedia:

Explore some examples of wikis:

Be sure to check out library and educational technology wikis:

Think about wikis because we're going to come back and create one later in the week!

Learn more at High Tech Learning: Collaborative Web & Wikis

Developed by Annette Lamb, 11/04. Updated 10/06.