Student EngagementEpidemic Books: The Great Influenza, The American Plague, The Influenza of 1918, Life During the Black Death, Dr. Jenner and the Speckled Monster, Crispin, Fever 1793, Sweetgrass, A Time of Angels. The graph below is adapted from Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (1997). Make a DecisionMake a decision.
Open Call-Out Starter. Create call-out bubbles. What would this person say about this place? Open More Call-Outs. Create an assignment for one of the photos. Highlight Dissent & DifferencesArtists and musicians, poets, scientific discoveries, different perspectives, and different views. Use Ellis Island Records for the traditional way of thinking. Use Angel Island for a different way of thinking. Explore and develop literature-based WebQuests to explore different perspectives. Virtual Adventures
- Birdhouse Network - 2006 Archives Collect DataCollect and compare data. Use one of the following tools: Compare DataCollect and compare data. Use one of the following tools: Exchange IdeasShare and compare ideas, issues, and experiences. Connect for discussion. Use blogs and forums to share ideas. WebQuestsExplore WebQuests at your grade level. Adapt one. CreateCreate projects using online tools: