Teacher Tap

Checkered FlagOrganizers

Use collaborative online tools for

Old Way - Draw, redraw, get frustrated, throw in trash

New Way - Arrange, rearrange, share, collaborate

Explore Tools

Hot Choice - myWebInspiration

  1. Concept Maps - myWebInspiration (From Inspiration), Gliffy (great for tracking), Bubbl (lacks graphics), Thinkature - (quirky)
  2. Electronic Whiteboards - Scribblar and Skrbl
  3. Timeline Makers - Timeglider, CircaVie, Dipity, MagicStudio, TimeRime, Time Toast, Xtimeline
  4. Software Options - Inspiration/Kidspiration (commercial) and Cmap (free)
  5. URL Shortener - TinyURL, Bit.ly - creates short URLs

Design Projects

  1. Brainstorming
  2. Build Consensus
  3. Project Planning
  4. Joint Report
  5. Creative Works

Avoid Wrecks

  1. Long Term Storage. When you don't control your web server, it's possible to lose the documents if the service fails. Be sure to have a backup system. Also, be certain to check on copyright issues related to ownership of workspace documents.
  2. Technical Issues. Collaborative spaces can be hampered by slow bandwidth, problems with refreshing screens caused by proxy servers, and other issues. Consider writing in a word processor and copying into the web-based document.
  3. Tracking Use. One of the benefits of collaborative workspaces is the ability to track student work. Check whether the system maintains a history, archives drafts, and traces individual users.
  4. Guidelines. Be certain students understand the philosophy of collaboration and the role of individuals in a collaborative work group.
  5. Assignments and Assessments. Provide clear student expectations.

carPit Stop
Let's create a concept map using myWebspiration.
Create an account.
Create a concept map focusing on things to do in the city, genre and authors of literature, or another topic of interest. Or, try a template.
Try collaborating with another participant.

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