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Checkered FlagResearch Tools

Use online tools to facilitate information organization, notetaking, and citing sources.

Old Way - Fill out notecards.

New Way - Create virtual sticky notes.

Explore Tools

Hot Choice - Diigo, Awesome Highlighter

  1. Bookmarking - Delicious
  2. Highlighting - Awesome Highligher
  3. Note-taking and Citation Tool - Notestar
  4. Bookmarking, Highlighting, Notetaking, and Discussions - Diigo
  5. Citation Generators - BibMe, Bibomatic, Carmun, Citation Machine, NoodleTools

Design Projects

  1. Nonfiction Reading. Practice nonfiction reading with quality websites such as FactCheck, KidsHealth and National Geographic Kids.
  2. Current Events. Read and share news such as science news at Why Files, Science News for Kids, and Science Daily.
  3. Poetry. Annotate favorite poems using websites such as Poets.org.
  4. Classic Literature. Explore classic literature online such as Project Gutenberg.
  5. Biographical Information. Explore biographical databases such as the Notelprize laureates website and take notes.

Learn more at The Digital Dog Ate My Notes: Tools and Strategies for 21st Century Research Projects

Avoid Wrecks

  1. Build collections of quality resources
  2. Use guiding questions and focus on high level thinking
  3. Encourage notes, not copying
  4. Use notetaking tools as an alternative to worksheets
  5. Share notes among groups of students for collaborative projects

carPit Stop
Select a poem at Poets.org.
Try using Awesome Highlighter. If you have time, create a Diigo account.

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