
Since 2014, Annette has been sharing book reviews with an emphasis on materials for youth. For the past several years, these reviews have focused on sharing topics of interest along with informational books and websites. The idea is that combining books and websites creates synergy for learners.

These reviews are housed at our Teacher Librarians: Bridging Theory and Practice website. Links to recent postings can be found below:

  • by Annette Lamb
    Timely-Takeaways for Lifelong LearnersEmory, Jerry (2023). George Melendez Wright: The fight for wildlife and wilderness in the national parks. University of Chicago Press.Celebrating the life and […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    HISTORY studies the past including all aspects of human society. Historians use oral accounts, written documents, artifacts, and other primary sources to tell the story of […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    From the Revolutionary War era to the San Francisco Earthquake, several works of adult nonfiction explore topics related to American History.1789: George Washington and the Founders […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    OCEANS are very large bodies of salt water. Examples include the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic oceans. Oceans over 70.8% of the Earth.To understand a concept, […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    ARCHAEOLOGY is the study of material remains in order to understand past human life and activities. Archaeologists gain insights into human prehistory and history through the […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    LORE is a collection of knowledge, traditions, beliefs, and stories held by a group of people and passed from through generations. Lore may be related to […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    BIRDS are warm-blooded vertebrate covered with feathers. They have two wings, two legs, a beak, and no teeth. The young hatch from hard-shelled eggs. People who […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    ANIMALS are living things that move, feed, and react to the world through their senses. These organisms include mammals, insects, reptiles, and birds. Animals may be […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    INVENTION is the act of creating something original such as a process or device. The term invention is also used to describe something that has been […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    From medieval times to the present, several new books explore strong women through history and why they are often misrepresented, overlooked, or unheard.Brave Hearted: The Women […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    EARTH SCIENCE is the branch of science that studies the physical makeup of the Earth and its atmosphere. It includes the areas of geology, astronomy, oceanography, […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    HANDS-ON SCIENCE is an approach to learning that actively involves children in inquiry-based learning and problem-solving. Using real-world contexts, children apply critical and creative thinking to […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    Synergy: Celebrating triviaTRIVIA are facts that are not well-known. These pieces of information may be of little importance, yet they sometimes promote curiosity and wonder. Trivia […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    WILD ANIMALS are creatures that have not been domesticated. They live on their own in nature without direct human intervention. These animals find food, shelter, and […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    From meteorites to aliens, explore a wide range of recently published books focusing on space science, astronomy, and cosmology. These thought-provoking books separate the fact from […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    NATIONAL PARKS are lands set aside and protected by a national government for conservation and preservation. These lands contain distinctive natural and cultural resources such as […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    ANIMAL BEHAVIOR is the study of how animals interact in their environment from movement and social activity to mating behavior.To understand a concept, it’s useful to […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    INSECTS are small invertebrates. These arthropods usually have six legs and one or two pairs of wings. They also have a well-defined head, thorax, and abdomen. […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    BOTANY is the study of plant science. This branch of biology includes not only plants, but also fungi and algae.To understand a concept, it’s useful to […]
  • by Annette Lamb
    Whether exploring favorite authors, lesser-known works, or book history topics, several new titles provide breadth and depth to the study of literature, literary collections, speeches, and […]