Farm'ers Market

farmersSTAR Ideas

Do your assignments ask students to demonstrate information fluency or simply copy information and answer knowledge level questions? Create challenging assignments.

STAR (Simple, Technology Application Resource) Ideas use quality online resources to promote information fluency and reduce the amount of time students spend searching for information and increase their time on high level critical and creative thinking activities.

Go to STAR Ideas: Simple, Technology Application Resource Ideas. Explore the suggested activities and assignments. Brainstorm ways to bring an activity to a higher level.

Identify Digital Collections

Seek out digital collections in your subject area and grade level.


Subject Area Collection Starters

Museum and Archival Collections





Social Studies: Culture



Ephemera Resources

If you like reading the cereal box or the back of your concert ticket, you're attracted to ephemera. Kids love to collect vacation brochures at hotels and adults enjoy bumper stickers even if they won't want them on their car. Ephemera are primary sources such as playbills, programs, brochures, bumper stickers, tickets, menus, and other printed materials. They are generally free or inexpensive printed materials that weren't designed to last. Use the ones you find on the web and create your own. Read the Introduction to Printed Ephemera from the Library of Congress.

Ephermera Collections



Audio and Video Resources

Although some schools have access to United Streaming, there are other resources for one.

Explore a collection outside your content area and make a standards connection.
For more, try Escrapbooking and Multimedia Seeds.

Promote Deep Understandings

As you design assignments use the following questions to encourage high level thinking.

Application and Analysis

Synthesis - Invention and Creation

Evaluation, Reflection, Prediction

Web-Based Activities

Explore ways to organize your questions, approaches, and web resources into a meaningful web-based activity.

Connect deep thinking with the digital collections above. Select a resource associated with a set of standards or essential questions. Use the questions above as you design a deep thinking assignment. Consider options for web-based activities such as hotlists, pathfinders, web worksheets, tutorials, and WebQuests.

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