Volume 1,
Number 3
The Journal of Technology-Rich
- Thinking
Simple in a Complex
- This workshop is divided into six web pages.
Explore each of the following areas:
- When you compare the outcome to the time invested, are your technology projects really worth it? The problem may be that we're thinking "big" instead of "small." There are hundreds of ways to infuse technology into our curriculum without spending hours surfing the web, learning software, and creating large-scale projects.
- When it comes to technology, we need to start focusing on simple projects that can become a transparent part of our curriculum rather than complex, time-consuming endeavors. This workshop focuses on practical ways to more effectively and efficiently engage learners through simple, technology-rich activities that stimulate higher level thinking.
- Did you know that in some cases carrier pigeons are still the fastest way to move information? Sometimes you need to think simple in a complex world.
Use the following links to go the pages that take you step-by-step through the handout packet.
Created by Annette
6/01. Updated 5/04.