Engaging Learners
the SMARTboard Way
Interactive whiteboards are gaining in popularity in schools. SMART technology is one of the most popular interactive whiteboard options. |
Starter Activity
Do some exploring using the following interactives:
- All
- Elementary
- Middle/Secondary
- Subject Areas
The Workshop
This workshop explores a dozen ideas for using interactive whiteboards in the classroom, adapting existing Notebook projects, and integrating resources for each subject area.
Explore each of the following areas:
Evidence It Works!
If you need scientifically-based evidence to support a purchase, use the following resources:
Use a SMARTboard
Watch the 2 Minute Tutorials:
Orient the Whiteboard
- Press the right mouse button and on-screen keyboard buttons on the pen try
for five seconds. Follow the directions on the orientation screen.
- Velcro the eraser, pens, and remote control to the board.
- Use a soft mallet instead of fingers on the board
- Use a wireless keyboard for typing
- If you can't install the SMARTboard software on all your computers, use a USB storage device that can be moved from computer to computer.
Try out the SMARTboard on a few of the following websites: (Download Notebook Example)
Explore the following websites. What are the characteristics of an engaging website for use with the SMARTboard?
Explore a Dozen Ideas
Incorporate the following ideas into a series of learning activities:
1 - Colors, Fonts, and Shapes (Download Notebook Example)
Make use of the variety of colors, fonts, and shapes available.
- Try some contrasting colors for text and backgrounds. Use bold text to make it jump out. Consider yellow text on a blue or red background.
- Use colors to separate information from questions.
- Create multiple columns.
2 - Concept Mapping (Download Notebook Example)
There are many software packages you can use for concept mapping including the shapes in Notebook. If you plan to do a lot of concept maps, it's a good idea to use a separate package such as SMARTIdeas for the SMARTboard. Or, Kidspiration or Inspiration.
- Explore SMART Ideas for Concept Map examples and lessons to download.
- Go to SMARTIdeas to download software.
3 - Export (Download Notebook Example)
- You can export files as PDF, HTML, or images.
4 - Hyperlink (Download Notebook Example)
- Website ideas:
- Maps
- Teacher Tap: References
- Video ideas: Streaming video from United Streaming, video-rich websites
- Other ideas: Link to Word, Excel, Kidspiration, etc.
- Select an object. Pull down the Insert menu. Select Link. Paste the URL (web address) OR click Document and find the file. Click OK.
5 - Interactive Resources: Simulations, Websites, Tutorials, Manipulatives (Download Notebook Example)
6 - Print (Download Notebook Example)
- You can print in many ways.
- Make class "big books"
- Create class "review books"
7 - Rotate and Move Objects (Download Notebook Example)
- Incorporate movement into your activities.
- Use rotation for clock hands, protractors, and labels
- Have some fun. Create a fact or fiction page. Use red Xs or green checks to mark answers.
8 - Templates (Download Notebook Example)
- Create a new page. Pull down the Insert menu. Choose Select Template.
- Download PowerPoint templates from Brainy Betty.
9 - Video and Audio (Download Notebook Example)
10 - Visuals: Photos, Drawings, Maps (Download Notebook Example)
- Teacher Tap: Visual Resources
- Ideas
- Add digital photos to your assignments.
- Incorporate Clipart collection photos.
- Use photos as hooks, starters.
- Use photos in assessment and review.
- Electronic Manipulatives
- Dissections, math manipulatives, simulations
- E-examples for Math
- Country, state/province, regional, community
- Ideas: biomes, invasive species, cultural movement, exploration routes, migration routes, battle sites and events, climates
- Compare multiple maps over time, use different colors for different routes
- Journey Note Field Notes - Maps for earthworms, frogs, hummingbirds, loons, whales, ice, leaves, maple syrup, monarchs, birds, manatee, tulips, whooping cranes (Teacher's Resources)
- Capture images from websites and take notes - chemical elements, animals, people, places, graphing software
- Directions
- Pull downs the Draw menu, select Order, and send Back or Forward to layer photos.
- Put Hyperlinks on photos to go to websites or open documents such as Inspiration.
11 - Virtual Field Trips (Download Notebook Example)
Teacher Tap: Virtual Field Trips
Lots of virtual field trips.
12 - Write (Download Notebook Example)
- Use computer keyboard, on-screen keyboard, markers
- Prewriting activities: brainstorming, lists
- Composing activities
- Editing activities
- Brainstorm a way to use:
Adapt Existing Notebooks
SMART Technologies 
An online community for educators using SMART products.
SMART Technologies Website
(Download Notebook Example)
(Download Notebook Example)
SMART Learning Activities
Best sources to download Notebooks and lessons
Also, check the International lesson activities.
The following websites contain lots of examples of Notebooks to use with your SMART board.
ACCE Interactive Whiteboard Resources
Download Whiteboard Notebooks in many subject areas.
National Whiteboard Network from the UK
Lots of ideas particularly in literacy and math (PDF, DOC, and EXE files).
Interactive Whiteboards from Kent
Includes case studies using Smartboard, Whiteboard resources, and others.
Interactive Resources
For evaluation only (Evaluation watermark)
Learning Grids
For purchase only
Primary Resources for Interactive Whiteboards
Resources in many areas.
Royal Kingston 
Powerpoint presentations, spreadsheets, etc. to download and use (Notebooks, PowerPoint, Word documents).
Smart - And Getting Smarter from Kenton, KY
Download Notebooks across the curriculum
SMARTboard Resources from Union
Resources for Primary, History, Math, Science, Language Arts, Business, French, Art, Music and General ares including Notebooks and links to interactive sites.
SMART Notebook Templates from UK 
Includes files from all levels.
Templates from Missouri
Kidspiration, Inspiration, and Notebook templates.
Templates for Smartboard from Sullivan Public Schools
Download templates for Smartboard
Whiteboard Resources from BGFL 
Explore great interactive activities including English, Mathematics, Science, and Other Subjects.
Whiteboard Resources from West Middlesbrough 
Resources in many subject areas. Lots of interactive resources to download (Flash, PDF, Notebooks, Word)
Whiteboard Worksheets
Try the tasters at the bottom of the page (for evaluation); some secondary
SMART Boards from USD259
SMART Ideas for using the SMARTBoard
Art, business, communication arts, foreign language, math, music, physical education, health, science, social studies, special education.
SMART Notebook Tutorial from Columbia College of Missouri
Download a tutorial
Related Topics
Game Templates - http://www.leesummit.k12.mo.us/its/game_templates.htm
Inspiration - http://www.leesummit.k12.mo.us/its/inspiration.htm
Kidspiration - http://www.leesummit.k12.mo.us/its/kidspiration.htm
PowerPoint - http://www.leesummit.k12.mo.us/its/powerpoint.htm
General Resources
Lots of interactive activities
Early Years Teaching Resources for Whiteboard from Athena - UK
Activities on counting, place value, phonics, and letter formation. Other resources for students.
FunBrain.com Curriculum Guide
Games across content areas and grade levels.
The Learning Experience
Lots of grade level and subject area links
National Geographic Activities
Lots of interactive activities.
Puzzle Websites
Teacher Tap: Daily Resources
- Inspiration
- Kidspiration
- PowerPoint Jeopardy
- PowerPoint Millionaire
Applied and Fine Arts
Ideas for Whiteboard
- Analyze works of art
- Compare techniques
- Demonstrate drawing techniques
- Explore famous artists
- Create art as a group
- Examine sculpture and masks
- Explore a school mural at Ambleside Primary School.
Web-based Ideas for Whiteboard
Building Smarter Ways to Use the Smartboard frm Kenton KY
Download Notebook files for humanities.
Art PowerPoint Presentations
General Web Resources
Using resources, lessons, standards, and how to's. Try their Look-Listen-Learn section.
Teacher Tap: Applied Arts
Links to professional organizations, starting points, resources for teachers, young adults, and children.
Teacher Tap: Fine Arts
Links to professional organizations, starting points, resources for teachers, young adults, and children.
Teacher Tap: Music
Links to professional organizations, starting points, resources for teachers, young adults, and children.
Communication Arts
Ideas for Whiteboard
- Change or add adjectives
- Circle elements to check authenticity of a website
- Explore editing and proofreading marks
- Highlight words in sentences and paragraphs - use e-books!
- Identify the fact or opinion in an article
- Match words
- Use highlighter tool to highlight parts of speech (i.e., nouns, verbs, adjectives)
- Practice words. Move the icon to see the answer.
- Use a story starter, write a class story, chain story, or peer story
- Put key words in middle and write two points of view
- Scramble words and make sentences
- Share autobiographies
- Write a daily journal, news article, or newsletter with key information from news websites
- Write poetry such as haiku
- Write rhyming words
- Write sentences based on photographs
- On e-grid paper, plot the relationship between two characters (i.e., calm/stressed, happy/sad) through the book
- Use photo of a person (i.e., character from book, person from history). Ask students to write in “bubble” about their thoughts.
- Show a book cover, analyze the photo before you start reading, then after. Use bubbles for brainstorming.
Web-based Ideas for Whiteboard
Building Smarter Ways to Use the Smartboard frm Kenton KY
Download Notebook files for language arts.
Evaluation Station
Guidelines for evaluating essays, stories, and reports.
Language Arts PowerPoint Presentations - K-5 & 6-12
Literacy Teaching Resources for Whiteboard from Athena - UK
Activities on diaries, discussion, autobiography, and letter writing. Other resources for students.
Sly's SmartRoom Hints, Ideas, & Tips
Literature lessons with SMARTboard.
Visual Story Starters
Start with photos then a few words.
Wacky World of Words
Great place to find examples to use with your Whiteboard including anagrams, similes, oxymoron, etc.
Whiteboard Resources from West Middlesbrough
General Web Resources
Art and culture, literature and language arts, and history resources.
Strategies for reading.
Read Write Think
Explore student materials, websites, and lessons.
Teacher Tap: Electronic Books
Links to electronic books in the classroom.
Teacher Tap: English and Language Arts
Links to professional organizations, starting points, resources for teachers, young adults, and children.
Teacher Tap: Magnet Poetry, Stories, & Mad Libs
Links to fun online activities.
Ideas for Whiteboard
- Use Froogle to locate prices for activities
- Build graphs
- Create number lines
- Explore area and perimeter
- Explore shapes and patterns
- Explore Pythagoras
- Make change
- Sort objects
- Telling time
- Work with math manipulatives and patterns
Web-based Ideas for Whiteboard
Building Smarter Ways to Use the Smartboard frm Kenton KY
Download Notebook files for math.
Interactivate by Shodor Education Foundation
Interactive Math Whiteboard Resources from West Middlesbrough
Resources in many subject areas. Lots of interactive resources to download on a Windows system.
Math Word Problems from SAISD
Math word problem using SMART Board Notebook
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives for Interactive Math
Lots of e-manipulatives across grade levels.
Electronic examples and activities for PK-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12
Numeracy Teaching Resources for Whiteboard from Athena - UK
Activities on place value, number line, and than. Other resources for students.
PowerPoint Math Presentations from CyberExchange
Dozens of math presentations and lessons
The Standards Site: Interactive Teaching Resources from UK
Lots of resources to download and try including:
Teachers' Lab from Learner.org
Explore the Shape and Space in Geometry and Patterns in Mathematics.
General Web Resources
Trial version of great interactive tool
Illumination Tools from NCTM
Lots of great online, interactive tools.
Teacher Tap: Mathematics
Links to professional organizations, starting points, resources for teachers, young adults, and children.
Physical Education and Health
Ideas for Whiteboard
- Categorize things (i.e., healthy and unhealthy habits, foods on pyramid)
- Identify parts of the human body
Web-based Ideas for Whiteboard
InnerLearning Online
Explore human anatomy.
General Web Resources
Explore interactive activities.
Teacher Tap: Health & Physical Education
Links to professional organizations, starting points, resources for teachers, young adults, and children.
Ideas for Whiteboard
- Categorize (i.e., landforms, creatures)
- Compare characteristics and properties (i.e., rocks/minerals, plant/animal cells, vertebrates/invertebrates)
- Conduct a dissection (i.e., frog, owl pellet)
- Explore science visuals and processes (i.e., cell parts, electrical circuit, life cycle, mitosis, water cycle)
- BBC Games
- Explore solar system
- Go on virtual field trips
- Label parts of plants and animals (i.e., skeletons)
- Records science data (i.e., atmospheric pressure, wind, temperature, humidity, clouds). Write questions for an online expert
- Trace plagues, spread of fires, and other movement.
Web-based Ideas for Whiteboard
Building Smarter Ways to Use the Smartboard frm Kenton KY
Download Notebook files for science.
Science PowerPoint Presentations - K-5 & 6-12
Science Teaching Resources for Whiteboard from Athena - UK
Activities on water cycle.
National Whiteboard Network - Lessons and PowerPoint Projects
General Web Resources
American Museum of Natural History
Lots of online activities.
Atomic Structure by Jefferson Lab
BioInteractive from HHMI
High school level interactive labs.
Cells Alive
Lots of great animations for teaching cell biology, microbiology, immunology, and microscopy. Interactive animations on plant and animal cells, mitosis, meiosis, cell cycle.
Great virtual dissection software (subscription service)
Human Digestive System
Explore the model of the human body
Conduct a virtual owl pellet dissection, explore bird skulls, eggs, nests, feathers, beaks, feet, and other aspects of birds.
PBS: Science
Physics Lessons
Many online lessons.
Science Netlinks from AAAS
Standards-based lessons.
Teachers' Lab from Learner.org
Explore the Science of Light and A Private Universe Project.
Teacher Tap: Science
Links to professional organizations, starting points, resources for teachers, young adults, and children.
Wayne's World: Online Textbook of Natural History: Biology 100
Explore lots of topics in biology. Also, check out the section on plants (i.e., how plants travel) and botany.
Social Studies
Ideas for Whiteboard
- Build timelines
- Categorize landforms
- Compare time periods, groups, and civilizations (i.e., Mayans/Incans/Aztecs, Indian Tribes, Ancient Civilizations)
- Compare political parties
- Compare the clothing of rich and poor in specific time periods (i.e.,Victorian times). What would it be like to wear these clothes? How would they feel?
- Distinguish laws, interpretation of law, and enforcement of law
- Examine primary resource materials such as historic documents and maps
- Label maps
- Identify branches of government, states vs national government, types of governments
- Show development of cities, movement of people (i.e., immigration), developments of products (i.e., transcontinental railroad, food from farm to city)
- Take virtual field trips
- Trace the movement of people (i.e., authors, characters in story, movement of troops, Lewis and Clark)
Web-based Ideas for Whiteboard
Building Smarter Ways to Use the Smartboard frm Kenton KY
Download Notebook files for social studies.
National Whiteboard Network - Lessons and PowerPoint Projects
General Web Resources
Resources on economics.
Art and culture, literature and language arts, and history resources.
National Geographic Interactive Elements
Social Studies PowerPoint Presentations - K-5 & 6-12
Teacher Tap: Social Studies
Links to professional organizations, starting points, resources for teachers, young adults, and children.
Other SMART Resources
Teacher Resources from Goshen WY