
Bonnie is a media specialist and the department chair for the Carmel High School Media Center. In her position, she works with three other media specialists and three media managers. Website:

Carmel High School is a four-year comprehensive high school located in the city of Carmel on the northern edge of Indianapolis. It is a national Blue Ribbon School (2003-04) and a Four Star School with over 4,000 students in grades nine through twelve. In addition to twelve counselors, four media specialists, three nurses, and ten administrators, the professional staff at Carmel High School includes 252 classroom teachers. Website of Carmel High School:

Bonnie has 25-years experience in library media service. She is a former President of the Association for Media Educators (AIME) and a former Region III Director and Chair of the Conference Program Committee of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL). She is also an active member of the Indiana Library Federation. Bonnie’s professional service also includes being a frequent presenter at local, state, and national conferences.

Bonnie Grimble’s expertise and interests include:

*Indiana's Virtual Library on the Internet: INSPIRE is a collection of commercial databases and other information resources that can be accessed by Indiana residents using any computer equipped with an Indiana Internet connection and a Web browser. Website:


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