Professionals: Nancy McGriff
Nancy has more than twenty-five years experience in schools and school library media. Currently she is the media specialist at South Central Community Schools, Union Mills, IN. She serves on the technology and reading committees, chairs the school improvement steering committee, is the professional development cadre co-chair, and the administrator of a gifted and talented grant. In 2005, Nancy was awarded the Blue Ribbon Award for Exemplary School Library Media Program sponsored by AIME, IDOE Office of Learning Resources and IUPUI-SLIS. The Media Center Website is at
Prior to 1995, she worked as a elementary library media specialist in Michigan City, IN, as library media specialist at LaPorte High School and Manchester High School, IN and as audiovisual director at Jay County High School, Portland, IN.
Nancy’s words: “I read all the time for pleasure and to be able to converse with students. I use technology daily so I can be more productive and be credible with teachers and students. I have a daughter who is a college junior, she keeps me humble but in touch with higher ed. student needs. I have a middle school teacher as a husband. My son is 17, need I say more, and aspires to be a Division I basketball player, and actually has the talent to do it.”
Nancy is a former president of both the Association for Indiana Media Educators (AIME) and the Indiana Library Federation (ILF). She was awarded the Esther V. Burring award in 1992 and 1999 for the Exemplary Indiana Media Program (Different locations). In Mar. 2002, the special supplement of Library Journal cited Nancy as a “mover and shaker” in the library professions.
She has been involved in numerous local and statewide projects and has served as a consultant and presenter for numerous initiatives, workshops and conferences for the Indiana Department of Education, AIME, ILF, Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA), and the American Association of School Librarians (AASL). Nancy is a volunteer mentor in the School Library Media Cadre, Office of Learning Resources (IDOE). She has written articles for Knowledge Quest and School Libraries Activities Monthly.
Nancy has special interest or expertise in the following areas:
- Library automation
- Readership development
- Grant writing
- Project management
- Information literacy / fluency
- INSPIRE use & integration
- Library/Media public relations
- Curriculum & technology integration
- "Librarian as Consultant" role
- Community connections
- Graphic organizers/Inspiration software
Online Project (In our L553 class webmaterials): Collecting
the Data: Templates and Resources for School Library Media Specialists. Web
site available at Co-authored
with Leslie Preddy and Carl Harvey, funded by Educate Indiana grant.