Big 6 and Super 3
Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz have been promoting their approaches to information processing for nearly 20 years.
Big 6
The Big 6 is an information problem-solving approach developed by Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. It is the most popular model for information skills. It includes the following steps:
- Task definition
- Information seeking strategies
- Location and access
- Use of information
- Synthesis
- Evaluation
Explore the The Big 6 website. The Big 6 model focuses on problem-solving across the curriculum. The website provides background information and lots of lesson and activity ideas. Go to the Overview page to explore the history and major areas.
View Big 6 Introduction (1:00).
Bob Berkowitz provides an introduction to the Big 6 information problem-solving process.
Use of this video clip complies with the TEACH act and US copyright law. You should be a registered student to view the video.
Read The Big Six Information Skills As a Metacognitive Scaffold: A Case Study by Sara Wolf, Thomas Brush, and John Saye. (SLMR, 6, 2003).
Super 3
Although The Big 6 only includes six steps, some primary teachers find it overwhelming for their young learners. As a result, teachers have developed modified versions to meet their needs. Eisenberg and Berkowitz have developed a version called the Super 3 for very young children. It includes three steps:
- Plan
- Do
- Review
Explore the Super 3 page. Compare this approach to the Big6 model.
Learn More
Eisenberg, Michael B. & Berkowitz, Robert E. (1990). Information Problem-solving: The Big Six Skills Approach to Library and Information Skills Instruction. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Eisenberg, Michael B. & Berkowitz, Robert E. (1999). Teaching Information & Technology Skills: The Big6 in Elementary Schools. Worthington, OH: Linworth.
Janet, Murray. Applying Big6 Skills, Information Literacy Standards, and ISTE NET.
Little, T, J. Super3. E arly childhood version of The Big6 Skill written by Eisenberg and Berkowitz
Nuts and Bolts of Big 6 from SBC Knowledge Network Explorer
Online Resources to Support BIG6™ Information Skills from John Newbery Elementary School, WA