Teaching and Learning Materials on the Web
While some of the following materials take an integrated approach to information literacies, some focus on isolated skills. When possible, information literacy should be connected with content-area standards. How can you adapt these materials to fit this need?
Explore the lessons at ReadWriteThink's Inquiry/Research.
Inquiry-rich Lessons, Activities, and Units
- Archeology and Storytelling
- Chicana and Chicano Space: A Thematic, Inquiry-based Art Education Resource
- Fish Kills
- The History and Use of Sampling Methods
- Instructions to All Persons of Japanese Ancestry
- Investigating Animals: Using Nonfiction for Inquiry-based Research
Information and Media Literacy Topics
- Best Practice Examples
- Center for Media Literacy - lots of lessons and ideas
- Information Literacy Lesson Plans from The Educator's Reference Desk - Links
- Library of Congress
- Thinkfinity (use their search tool)
- NARA Digital Classroom
- PBS TeacherSource
- Library Media Lessons (4-5, 7-12) from Utah Education Network
Lesson Projects, Series, and Search Tools
- 42explore - lists resources, activities, and lessons
- Discovery School
- The Gateway
- LearnNC
- ReadWriteThink
- Smithsonian Education
Research Modules
- Curriculum-based Research Modules
- Module Maker from questioning.org
- Online Research Modules from CAP
- Research Modules from questioning.org
- Specific Examples:
Information Skills Activities and Tutorials
- Do the Dewey from Middletown Thrall Library
- Library Instruction Lessons from Library Instruction