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Nonfiction Read-Aloud

Add nonfiction to your real-aloud activities. If most of your real-alouds are fiction, consider infusing nonfiction selections. From space exploration to Colonial days, read-alouds can bring the real-world to life for young people. It also introduced children to areas they may not self-select.

Approaches to Nonfiction Read-Aloud

Nonfiction read-aloud is an excellent way to model nonfiction reading.

Here are a few examples of effective nonfiction real-aloud. Use Google Preview to see if the written style works for real-aloud.

Primary Grades

Explore the topic of music, listen to music, and read about music. Use websites to reinforce music themes.

Ah, Musicsyllable

Other Primary Literature for Nonfiction Real-Aloud

Intermediate/Middle Grades

Biographies make great read-alouds. Look for biographies that have an interesting writing style for spoken word activities.

Consider books with short self-contained chapters. It's not necessary to read an entire book. Look for books that contain short chapters that can be read in 5 to 10 minutes. Ask students to keep a journal or sketchbook of their thoughts. Also, consider a poster format. As each person is introduced, ask them to make comparisons. Finally, ask students to select a person to explore in-depth.

React to a persuasive, nonfiction text, such as a letter to the editor, by asking questions that the text leaves unanswered and challenging the author's unsupported opinions. Evaluate the accuracy and appropriateness of the evidence presented in a book, such as Lives of the Writers by Kathleen Krull.

Royal KingdomOther Intermediate Literature for Nonfiction Real-Aloud

Middle School Literature for Nonfiction Real-Aloud

Other Middle/High School Literature for Nonfiction Real-Aloud

Guidelines for Nonfiction Read-Aloud Section:

Use read-aloud as a way to build vocabulary.

Book Suggestions from Tony Stead

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