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Apply Prior Knowledge

Shift the focus from recalling prior knowledge to applying this information to new situations and authentic problems.

Apply popular approaches for organizing information about prior knowledge and new information.

KWL (Know-Want-Learned)

RAN (Reading and Analyzing Nonfiction) - Tony Stead

Prior Knowledge and Reading Experiences

Use KWL charts to help children recall their prior knowledge and share their understandings. Then, apply their prior knowledge in a meaningful way.


Prior Knowledge and Timely Topics

Prior Knowledge and Prediction

Gone WildYoung children are more likely to succeed with a challenging inquiry if we help them apply their prior knowledge. For instance, if want student to understand the plight of endangered species animals they need a personal connection. For instance, they can relate to "what would happen if all the dogs were gone" or "what if no birds no longer came to the bird feeder.".. focus on questions that will get them thinking about what "endangered" really means. The key is to connect the prior knowledge of children to the new unit. How can you apply the existing knowledge and skills your kids have (no matter how limited) to a new situation? Ask students to combine prior knowledge and new information to make predictions about the future.

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