
School Library: A Place That Learners Love to Come To . . .

A school library media program is more than the resources, services, and people. It's more than a building space. It's the thinking and synergy that occurs when you put all the elements of the learning community together.

The library media program is an integral part of the learning community.

Information Power (p. 6-7) suggests seven goals of today's library media center including the following areas:

eye means readRead Mission and Goals of the School Library Media Program from Information Power.

eye means readRead Position Statement on the Role of the School Library Media Program and the Position Statement on the Value of Library Media Programs in Education from American Association of School Librarians (AASL).

eye means readRead the following sections in the course textbooks:
Morris; Appendix A - Key Documents

Information Power Chapter 4 - Learning and Teaching, Chapter 5 - Information Access and Deliver, plus Appendices A - E.

eye means readThis section of the course contains the following related topics you'll want to investigate: Program Planning, Program Analysis, Evidence-based Decisionmaking, Approaches to Data Collection, Evaluation, Accountability

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Will there always be library media programs?

What would happen if your physical space and collection were eliminated? Would you still have a program? What is your library media program really about?

If your program is rooted in things rather than thoughts and actions, there's a good chance that it won't be around forever. However if your program uses its physical space and collections to promote knowledge construction, information fluency, and life-long learning, it will thrive regardless of building renovation, cuts in materials budgets, and technical innovation.

eye means readRead Are Libraries (and Librarians) Heading Toward Extinction? by D. Johnson in Teacher-Librarian, Dec 2003.

Also read D.D. Coggins article: Making the Library into a Cybrary from Tech Learning, July 2003 and Trends and Issues: What's Important for the 21st Century School Librarian? by C.A. Brown, Knowledge Quest, May/June 2005; 33.

Checking Your Understanding

info powerInformation Power - The school library media specialist's opportunities for cultivating authentic, information-based learning have never been greater, and the responsibilities are also more crucial than have even been. (p. 47)

Create a diagram demonstrating the mission and goals of the library media in a visual way. Use the Mission and Goals of the School Library Media Program from Information Power.

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Make It Real

media specialist and teacherIs the library program more than a physical place?

A tornado has destroyed the wing of your building containing your library media center and the gymnasium. Somehow the rest of the school building survived. However your center will be closed for the entire year. The school board is thinking about eliminating your position for the rest of the year.

Write a convincing argument explaining how the library program can stay vital even when the physical site is gone. Provide examples in the area of collaboration, leadership, and technology. You must come up with innovative ways to make your program remain vital.

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Read More About It

AASL Resource Guides for School Library Media Program Development
Web-based guides comprise a working bibliography of resources gathered by AASL staff and members to provide information about school libraries.

Bens, Shirley (Nov. 1997). Technology and the Changing Role of Teacher-Librarians. Coordinator of Learning Resources, Technology, and Libraries K-12. Winslow Center, Coquitlam, B. C., Canada.
The role of teacher-librarians in light of economic, employment, technological, and educational trends, considering also initiating and managing change in a Library Resource Center.

Bertoldo, Barbara & Golden, Bev (Dec. 2003) Recipe for a Dynamic, Learner-Centered Program. Learning Quarterly. School Library Journal.
How can a teacher-librarian help students and staff become successful users of ideas and information?

Capitalizing on the School Library's Potential to Positively Affect Student Achievement from the White House Conference on School Libraries
List of resources.

Curriculum-Based Library Program (Norris School District
Bakersfield, CA)
The role of school libraries in a small, low-wealth school district.

Ditchfield, Owen. Making the Media Center Truly a Center of Learning. Sagebrush Corporation.

Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning from American Association of School Librarians (AASL)

Learning About the Job (School Library Media Specialist) from American Library Association
A starting point for learning / exploring the career field.

Kuhlthau, Carol C. (Fall 1993). Implementing a Process Approach to Information Skills: A Study Identifying Indicators of Success in Library Media Programs. School Library Media Quarterly, 22(1).

Lowe, Carrie A. (Nov. 2000). The Role of the School Library Media Specialist in the 21st Century. ERIC Digest. ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology Syracuse NY. ERIC Identifier: ED446769
Information Power does more than offer an inspiring vision of the future of library media specialists in the school. The authors provide standards for information literacy learning, as well as indicators for each standard. These standards create goals for all educators.

Pharr, Faye (June 2002). Reflections of an Empowered Library. An address to the White House Conference on School Libraries
A principal reports on her experience with revitalizing library initiatives in an overall plan for school reform; enhancing student learning by improving library services.

Program Administrator Role of Library Media Specialist from Baltimore County Public School, MD
As a program administrator, the library media specialist guides and directs all the activities related to the library media program.

Standards / Regulations  for School Library Media Programs

Early Childhood through Young Adulthood / Library Media Overview from National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)
Related Document: (PDF document)
NBPTS Library Media Standards

Indiana Library and Historical Board Automation Standards, Feb 1997.

Indiana Code

Searchable version of Indiana's complete legal code.

Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning from American Association of School Librarians (AASL) and the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) (PDF document)

Johns, Sara Kelly. Heavy Mettle. School Library Journal, Dec 2001; 47(12), 41. (Access requires login) . . .
National Board Certification gives librarians a chance to prove their worth.
Library Media National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Listserve Site by Cynthia Wilson
This site is to keep library media professionals abreast of the events and hopefully to provide a medium of communication as many pilot parts of the assessment and later begin their certification process.

National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) from International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
Technology Foundation Standards for All Students

Performance-Based Accreditation (PBA) Legal Standard #26 (Mar 2000)

Standards and Core Lists from Suburban Library System (SLS), IL

Standards for Missouri Schools Library Media Centers

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