Battle of Monmouth

The Battle of Monmouth
(June 28, 1778)

During the American Revolutionary War, the Battle of Monmouth was fought near Monmouth Court House New Jersey on June 28, 1778.

Family Connection

Apparently, the Butlers (Annette’s family) and Grayson (Larry’s family) families have a long history.

During the Revolutionary War both Major General Richard Butler (Annette’s 1st cousin) and Colonel William Grayson (Larry’s 4th great grandfather) were part of the Philadelphia Campaign (1777-1778). They were both at Valley Forge.

During the Battle of Monmouth (June 28, 1778), detachments lead by William Grayson and Richard Butler served together under Anthony Wayne.

The Wisconsin Historical Society has drafts or copies of Richard Butler’s letters include ones to William Grayson (1785). We need to plan a trip to the University of Wisconsin Madison!

It’s likely we have other family members who fought in this battle.

For family members, the lineage is through Annette’s mom’s side of the family.


For family members, the lineage is through Larry’s mom’s side of the family.


The image is titled Washington Rallying the Troops at Monmouth.