Nearly 180 people participated in Wayne County’s community dinner featuring our heritage of music and dance. Whether making music and crafting spin drums or dancing and dining, the evening was a grand celebration of cultural heritage.
Lynsey Shelar and her students from Sleeping Rainbow School of Music shared their passion for music with a string performance. Heather Welch lead children, teens, and adults in a drum circle experience. One of the highlights of the evening was pioneer dancing. Youth along with adult community members learned a pioneer dance to the traditional song Pop Goes the Weasel. The Mooney Wash Band of Torrey played music from the pioneer era (late 19th and early 20th) century. Finally, 4H Teen Leader Blake Giles concluded the evening with an electric guitar solo bringing the group into the 21st century.
Thanks to USU Extension Agent GaeLynn Peterson for all her efforts with this project.
One participant reported “the community is brought together through a love of music… young and old alike.” To see photos of the event, go to
Photo: Community members learned the pioneer dance Pop Goes the Weasel at the community dinner. Photo Courtesy of Annette Lamb
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