Wishing is assessing, evaluating, and reflecting on the process and product. Students begin thinking about how the project went and consider possibilities for the future. Students have the opportunity to reflect on their project and express their desires for the future.
Some students wish they would have started earlier, asked more questions, or chosen a different topic.
It's helpful to explore a student project from multiple perspectives. Teachers, friends, peers, parents, and others may be able to provide useful insights for future projects. For example, your art, computer, and English teachers would each be able to provide different views on your project.
Assessing Student Projects
There are many ways to assess student work. Be sure that both process and product checks are part of any evaluation tool. Also consider self, team, teacher, and project assessment aspects to your plan. When looking at the process ask questions about each step including selecting a topic, questioning, searching, evaluating, organizing, analyzing, creating, and communicating information. Rubrics are one of the most popular tools. We've developed a separate area to explore this topic. Go to Teacher Tap: Student Project Assessment for ideas.
Revising a Project
Think about your project as an ongoing process. You might even continue to work on it after your class is done. Think about how you could expand or update your project. Who else might be interested in learning more about the topic? Think about expanding the format such as putting it on the web. You could ask people for feedback or ideas.
Reflecting on the Project
One of the most important aspects of the entire process is reflection. Students need a chance to stop, breathe, and think about their project. Explore reflection questions for both the process and the product.
A few sample questions can be found below:
- What were the strengths and weaknesses of the project?
- What would I do differently?
- What would I change?
- How could I approach the problem from an alternative perspective?
- How will I approach the next project differently next time?
Wishing Checklist
Develop an activity that helps your students assess their project and reflect on the process.
Assessing Student Projects - create project assessments
Revising a Project - encourage revision
Reflecting on the Process - develop a set of reflective questions
View Project Development and Assessment (2:19).
In this video, a student developed a meaningful product that reflected her understanding of the art topic. She also completed a self-assessment. - Excerpt from “Asking the Right Question”, Pt. 1 of Know It All Series by GPN / Univ. of NB
Use of this video clip complies with the TEACH act and US copyright law. You should be a registered student to view the video.
Read Key Word: Reflection in THE BLUE BOOK by Callison and Preddy, 510-515.