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Audience Analysis

teen with computerA student information scientist must be able to effectively analyze his or her audience and design communications to meet these needs and interests. The scientist might ask him or herself the following questions:

Becoming proficient at the use of key terms and strategies is associated with the following Information Literacy Standards (AASL, 1998):

The following example demonstrates how a student matures as he or she gains experience and expertise.

Bike Path

bike pathAddressing the needs of a target audience is another skill that is mastered over time. Young learners are often focused on their personal needs and have difficulty putting themselves in the place of their audience.

For instance when presenting to the local parks commission about the need for a bike path in the City Park, the inexperienced student may focus on their personal interest in the bike path rather than the greater needs of the community.

As student information scientists develop skills in audience analysis they gain insights into the persuasive communications needed to accomplish both personal and community interests.

Explore Eric's investigation for more detail.

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