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Future Applications

girl and booksReflection and self-evaluation is a critical component of the process for an information scientist. After completing a project and received an evaluation, you might ask him or herself the following questions:

Becoming proficient at self-evaluation is associated with the following Information Literacy Standards (AASL, 1998):

The following example demonstrates how a student matures as he or she gains experience and expertise.

Future Applications

tomatoesAs the skills of an information scientist evolve, increasing emphasis is placed on the importance of reflective thinking.

While novice student researchers savor the success of their final product, expert researchers critically review strengths and weaknesses of both the process and product as they anticipate future inquiries.

As the beginning inquirer enjoys a red ribbon at the county fair, the evolving information scientist is considering ways to increase the quality of the tomato crop for next year.

Explore Ashley's investigation for more detail.

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