Rating Resources
A student information scientist develops skills in rating resources through gaining experiences in varied information inquiry situations. The scientist might ask him or herself the following questions:
- What specific resources from various general formats (print, electronic, human) did you find most useful for your investigation, and why? What were the limitations?
- What are examples of leads to other relevant information you received from these formats? Consider “citations and references” in books, “links” from one authoritative website to another, and “recommendations” from people you interviewed for additional names, events or resources to search. Illustrate how you have linked these information leads together.
Becoming proficient at rating resources is associated with the following Information Literacy Standards (AASL, 1998):
- The information literate student accesses information efficiently and effectively.
- The information literate student evaluates information critically and competently
The following example demonstrates how a student matures as he or she gains experience and expertise.
Diabetes Research
Beginning information scientists may use a variety of information resources, but may not realize the power of building connections among authoritative sources. For example, a student is investigating the questions, “What progress is being made in a cure for diabetes? Is there likely to be a cure for diabetes in my lifetime?”
A novice may get caught up in the many personal websites on the topic and miss the foundational articles in the discipline.
A mature student scientist will use authoritative websites such as the American Diabetes Association to seek reoccurring references that can be used to establish the timeline of events, relationships among key people and events, and current relevant issues.
Explore Miranda's investigation for more detail.