Useful Patterns
From identifying number sequences in math to applying historical trends in social studies, the ability to see, use, apply, and create patterns is one of the activities the differentiates experts from novices across disciplines. The student scientist might ask him or herself the following questions:
After each team member describes several of their best information resources and where these were accessed,
- What predictions can you make on the best locations for finding useful information on future questions similar to those addressed by members of your class?
- Do you see any patterns in specific indexes, online databases, library resources beyond your school?
Becoming proficient at the use of patterns is associated with the following Information Literacy Standards (AASL, 1998):
- The information literate student accesses information efficiently and effectively.
- The information literate student evaluates information critically and competently.
The following example demonstrates how a student matures as he or she gains experience and expertise.
Art of Diego Rivera
Novices may not take a systematic approach to information seeking, while experienced student information scientists see patterns in their investigations and apply these insights to future projects. A young artist may simply look through books of murals for visuals they like ignoring the artist or particular style of mural, while an evolving student information scientist would identify the patterns in their investigation. For instance, they might note that many murals were created by Diego Rivera.
Let’s say a student is fascinated by the mural art form and wants to find out about the Mexican painter Diego Rivera. A beginning student information scientist may search the Internet for information about this famous muralist.
An experienced information scientist would know that the electronic database Biography Resource Center is a quick and effective way to locate quality information as well as reviewed website resources.
Explore Vanessa's investigation for more detail.