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Cognitive Apprenticeship

An apprentice learns a skill by closely observing and modeling the work of a master. Media specialists and teachers can form meaningful apprenticeship relationships with their students.

A cognitive apprenticeship occurs when teachers and students develop a novice-expert relationship in a situated learning environment. The focus of the apprenticeship is on knowledge and strategies for thinking. Teachers model, coach, and provide scaffolding for students who are trying out new ideas and reflecting on their work.

"Cognitive apprenticeships are representative of Vygotskian "zones of proximal development" in which student tasks are slightly more difficult than students can manage independently, requiring the aid of their peers and instructor to succeed. Cognitive apprenticeships reflect situated cognition theory." - Cognitive Apprenticeship from Virginia Tech

eye means readRead Key Word: Cognitive Apprenticeship in THE BLUE BOOK by Callison and Preddy, 318-321.

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Cognitive Apprenticeship from Virginia Tech


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