Organizing Resources
As you begin to create and organize resources, consider how much time you want students to devote to locating and processing information. In many cases, it's a good idea to preselect visual resources, websites, and book resources.
Pre-Select Visuals
In addition to CD-ROM visual resources such as Nova's Art Explosion and Corel Gallery, there are many online resources for visuals. Consider starting with expert clip art starters, search engines, indexes, and individual websites devoted to visuals. You could bookmark sites for students, copy pictures into a document, or save visuals in a special folder on your network.

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Pre-Select Websites
It's also a good idea to preselect websites. Start with topical portals and starters. Look for the best resources that fit your need rather than trying to include all the websites. Focus on unique information and multiple perspectives. Look for audio, video, visuals, and other multimedia resources. Explore software tools and other resources that might be valuable. Rather than spending your time with search engines, try some theme sites.
You might also wish to use some software packages that get students started. For example, Tom Snyder's Timeliner, Inspiration, or Community Construction Kit all provide tools for students.
Pre-Select Audio Resources
Cactus Exploration
Consider how you might pre-select resources for students. Explore visuals, theme sites, audio clip resources, and audio clip resources from the resources above.

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Created by Annette Lamb, 02/01.