- Creating
Meaningful Activities
- As you design the activities, ask
yourself: what will students be doing and
when? At what points will technology be
used? Organize your ideas like any other
project or lesson. Think about springboard
activities, information presentation and
exploration, active involvement, and
closure, sharing, and transfer of
- Explore sample lessons and consider
how you might design a technology-rich
activity. For example, explore the
Cartoon website. You might use the
examples and lessons at the website, then
create your own assignment. For example,
students could create their own political
cartoon using an idea they find in another
- Consider using prompts for your
projects. A text prompt could be a poem,
or statistic.
A visual prompt could be a photo, artwork,
or video clip. An auditory prompt could be
music or sound effects. Rather than
starting from scratch, give students some
ideas. For example, show a parody
and ask students to create one.
- Cactus
- Task
- Activities
- Tools
- Resources
- Communications
- Implementation
- Evaluation
- Sharing
- Return
to Eduscapes