Teacher Tap

tip iconBuild Experiences through Virtual Adventures

You can't take students to Antarctica or the Amazon, but you can take students on a virtual field trip. Some students lack even basic experiences such as visiting a city or a farm.

Virtual field trips are a great alternative when you can't go to the real location because of cost, time, disability, danger, or an impossibility such as a different time period or remote location.

Use the Internet to help these students make a connection.

activateRead Virtual Experiences: Field Trips & Simulations.
Read Virtual Adventures.


Explore online field trips:

go to teacher tapExplore Teacher Tap: Field Trips
Explore Teacher Tap: Libraries
Explore Teacher Tap: Museums

Use Google Earth to create your own experiences:

Create your own virtual field trip using the following PowerPoint templates (right-click and save to hard drive):


differentiate activityDifferentiate! Locate a virtual field trip. Where in a unit would you use this resources? To motivate at the beginning of a unit or review at the end? Brainstorm ways that you could create a virtual field trip with your class. How would this help you differentiate in your classroom? Discuss why this activity could meet the needs of a particular "hard to reach" group of students.



Review the "big ideas" on this page:

Virtual field trips are a great alternative when you can't go to the real location because of cost, time, disability, danger, or an impossibility such as a different time period or remote location.

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