Teacher Tap

girl drawTen Tips for Differentiation

Do you have students who don't "get it"? What about students who just don't seem motivated or interested? Use technology tools to meet the individual needs of your students.

As you think about differentiation, consider Carol Tomlinson's three areas of adjustment: content, process, product.

Consider ways to use Internet (reading level, depth of detail) and Technology Tools (text, graphics, audio, video) to address individual needs.

Gather materials to meet learner needs:

Let's explore ten tips for differentiation. These resources help students who need scaffolding to build connections.

  1. Meaningfulness
  2. Currency
  3. Practice
  4. Reading Level
  5. Authenticity
  6. Active Participation
  7. Experiences
  8. Motivation
  9. Realism
  10. Challenge

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